Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

Peeta came over at around four o'clock we didn't really talk much just ate until Peeta started staring at me. At first I looked away, but it went on for a good five minutes.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask.

"Because you're absolutely beautiful." He replies confidently.

I immediately blush. "No I'm not, you're just saying that." I say

"It's the truth, cross my heart and hope to die." He says making an X over his heart with his right hand and then holding it up.

I give him a small smile and continue eating. The rest of the night me and Peeta say and we talked and we laughed. Laughing is a funny thing. It can sneak up on you just like that. I never thought I would laugh again. Not after everything that happened in the past. After I while I started to clean up from dinner. Peeta started carrying dishes to the sink.

"It's fine Peeta, really. I don't need help." I say taking the dish from his hands.

"Oh no no. It worked the other night, it's not gonna work again." Peeta says.

"Whatever." I say. It was kinda cute seeing him so determined to get his way.

When we're done Peeta gets his stuff and gets up to leave. I walk him to the door and give him a hug. He kisses my cheek an starts to walk out.

"Peeta wait!" I say and he turns around. I grab his face and start kissing him. He deepens the kiss and pushes me against the wall. I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist. He carries me upstairs and into my bedroom. He lays me down on the bed and hovers over me when he suddenly breaks away.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"I don't want to get carried away." He says looking down.

I don't respond. He starts to walk out, but before he walks out the door, I say
"Peeta, can you stay with me tonight?"

"Sure, Katniss, always." I almost gasp. He said the exact same thing the night I broke my tailbone. He still remembers.

He climbs into bed with me and I snuggle up into his chest. I couldn't feel more comfortable than I am right here, right now, with Peeta.

Sorry I haven't updated in forever!! I've been sort of busy lately. I know the story has been kinda slow so far, but trust me, it'll get better spoilers!

Mel ;)

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