Chapter 47

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Chapter 47:

It takes a few weeks for the press to leave. It's a bit ridiculous. The first couple of weeks Peeta and I just stayed in the house but soon, Peeta had to leave for work, he couldn't stay home all day. I would cradle Adeline tightly in my arms and watch him push through the crowds, keeping his head down, avoiding camera flashes and questions.

While he was away at work it was just me and Adeline. My mom and Haymitch would stop in every now and then, but for the most part it was just us two.  I learned new things about her and myself throughout these weeks. I learned that she prefers breastmilk over formula, she likes to be rocked after feedings, and that she always gets up around 3 for a feeding and diaper change. I learned that I can only do so much, I hate asking for help, but when Peeta or my mother offers it, I grab it as fast as I can.

I never knew that being a mother could teach you so many things about not only your child, but yourself and life, really. There are only a few news reporters outside the gate today and I'm up around 6 feeding Adeline when I hear Peeta get up for his shower. When I finished one side and started to burp her Peeta came in.

"How are my two favorite girls this morning?" He asked.

"Just fabulous." I reply sarcastically.

He walks over to me and leans down to kiss mine and Adeline's heads. "I'm off to work. I'll be home around noon or 1. Hopefully I won't be too long, I hate leaving you home alone while those guys are all outside." He says.

"Yeah I know, but I'm hardly alone. My mom and Haymitch are both within 30 feet." I say.

"Yeah I know." He says. "Okay well I'll see you later, I love you." He says as he's walking out.

"I love you too." I say.

When I'm done feeding Adeline, I take her downstairs and put her in her bassinet. I had to do some laundry and since the machines are down here I didn't really want to leave her upstairs. I get a load in and as soon as I do Adeline starts crying.

I go to her bassinet and pick her up. I cradle her close to me and look at her sad blue eyes. "What's the matter, huh? Why are you crying for mommy?" I begin to rock her until her crying reduces to a small whimper. Just then I hear a knock on the door. It's weird because my mom and Haymitch just walk right in and I didn't buzz anyone in, so I don't know who else it could be. When I get to the door and open it I see the person I was least expecting, Gale.

If Adeline wasn't in my arms I probably would've fallen to the floor.

"Gale?" I stare at him in disbelief.

He stares straight at Adeline. I cradle her tighter to me. "Hey Katniss." He says.

"Why are you here?"

"I saw all the news about the baby and I just didn't believe it. I tried not to believe that you and Peeta actually got married, but to see that you actually had a kid, well I had to see that in person." He said.

"Why is that so hard to believe?!" I say furious.

"You said you'd never have kids, and to have kids with someone who tried to kill you, you must be insane." He says.

"I can't believe you actually said that to me." I say.

"I'm just trying to understand why." He says.

"I don't owe you anything. You left me Gale. I needed you and you left. Why should I explain any part of my life with you, when you should've just stayed to be a part of it!" I yell angrily.

Adeline starts to whimper. I try to calm her.

"I'm sorry, but I still think the being with Peeta is a mistake, and I don't think it's a good idea." He says.

"Well I didn't ask for your approval." I say.

"Well that's all I have to say, I just had to see for myself that this horrible decision was actually  real." He says.

"Gale, please just leave, I have nothing else to say to you." I say shutting the door a little. "How did you even get in?" I ask.

"I hopped the fence in the back of the village where no one else was, guess you're not as safe as you thought." He says.

I give him a hard scowl. "Bye Gale, and please, don't ever come back."

"Fine, have a nice life with you're crazy family." He says and then walks away.

I slam the door shut and begin sobbing. Adeline is finally quiet so I put her back in the bassinet. I lay down on the couch and just sit there crying for hours. I can't believe that Gale, my best friend for years, could just turn on me like this. He has to understand that if we were to end up together, it would be nothing but trouble. We're too alike. I just don't understand why he was so angry about the whole situation.

When I hear the washing machine stop I switch the clothes and bring the dry ones to the kitchen table to fold them. I don't stop crying all day. I think of all the good times that Gale and I shared and it just makes me cry even more.

Peeta walks in with groceries and a smile on his face. Poor Peeta, I think as I see his smile diminish, he was happy today and now he has to deal with me. He looks concerned and puts down the groceries on the counter. He comes closer to me.

"What happened? Is something wrong with Adeline?" He says quickly walking over to the bassinet.

I sniffle and say "No. It's not her, she's fine. It's um well Gale came over today." I say.

His head shoots up from where he was looking inside the bassinet. "What? Why?"

I try hard to control my sobs. "He said that he didn't believe that I actually had a kid. He said he had to see it for himself. Then when he saw he said that I was wrong for marrying you and it should've been him. He called you crazy and dangerous and said I was insane for having a baby with you." I can't stop crying now.

He walks over to me slowly and takes the shirt that I'm clutching out of my hand. He brings me into his warm chest and I can feel his heart beating against my temple. He strokes my hair and rubs calming circles on my back. After a few minutes of this he lowers himself into a chair with me on his lap. He wipes my tears with his thumb.

"Look at me Katniss, it doesn't matter what he thinks of us. I know it must be hard because he was your best friend, but as tough as it may be, you can't have someone like that in your life, you have to forget and move on. You don't want him to bring negativity into our lives."

I compose myself enough to have just a steady stream of tears, I'm not sobbing anymore and I speak. "I know, I know. It's just so hurtful, you know? It's like it wasn't really him." I say.

"Yeah I know." He kisses my cheek. "You just have to try your best to move on."

"I will. I don't want to be reminded of his hurtful words. I just want to forget about it." I say.

Adeline begins to cry. I go over to her bassinet and pick her up. I calm her and sit with her across from Peeta.

"I can tell you'll be alright, you have me and Adeline to help you." He says.

"Yeah, you're right. You guys are more than I could've asked for." I say finally smiling.

This chapter is a little weak, sorry! These are just 2 a.m. ideas so again, sorry if it sucks. Also a big sorry for not updating! I've been working 2 jobs and by the time I get home at like 8 or 9, I'm just so tired. I hope you all don't hate me! I also hope you all enjoy this chapter!
Xoxo Mel 💕

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