Chapter 22

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Chapter 22:

It's been about 2 months since the miscarriage. Every morning I go outside to say hello to Ivy. Me and Peeta have gotten back to normal. Our wedding is in a week and we've been planning nonstop! Effie is suppose to be arriving today and I'm still not sure I how I feel about her being here though.

"Hey Katniss, have you seen my grey striped tee shirt?" Peeta asks coming out of the bathroom shirtless.

"It might be in the laundry room, but in my opinion, I don't think you need a shirt." I say staring at his toned chest.

"Really?" He says sarcastically as he pulls me in to him.

I put my hands on his chest. "Definitely." I say as I lean up to kiss him.

We stand there kissing for a few minutes until we hear the doorbell ring.

"Ugghh. That's probably Effie." I say as I break away reluctantly. "I'll get it."

Peeta follows me downstairs, probably to get his shirt. I walk to the door, not really prepared for all of Effie's planning and peppy attitude, but honestly there wouldn't really be a wedding without her, so I push the thought to the back of my mind as I open the door.

When I look and see who is standing in front of me I think I let my mouth hang open.

"Mom?" I ask, unable to believe she is really here.

"Hi honey." She says sweetly.

"Come, in." I say opening the door wider.

She comes in and drops her bags on the floor and surprisingly embraces me in a tight and loving hug. Not like any of Peeta's loving hugs, but one of motherly love.

"I'm sorry I haven't been here, I hope we can just forget and start over, especially for the wedding." She says.

"I'd love that." I say smiling.

As we're breaking away I hear Peeta walk in and say "Katniss, is that-" but then stop short, probably realizing who is in our house.

"Mrs. Everdeen!" He says excitingly, coming over to hug her. He embraces her and gives me a confused look. I give him a look that says, 'I'll explain later.'

"Peeta, my, my look at you! You look fantastic!" She says placing her hands on his shoulders.

"Peeta, uh why don't you bring her bags to the guest room and I'll make us some tea." I say.

"Oh, no Katniss. I don't want to intrude, I was planning on staying at the newly built hotel, just down the street." She says sweetly.

"Mom, you don't have to, we insist. Plus it's just us two, it's not like you'll be a disturbance." I say.

"Okay, if you say so." She says and Peeta takes the bags upstairs.

We walk into the kitchen and start to prepare the tea.

"So how have you been know, the um incident?" She asks me.

"Uhh, fine. I'm not gonna lie, the first few weeks were pretty awful, but me and Peeta got through it." I say.

"Good, good." Says my mom.

"So how have you been mom?" I ask.

"Oh I've been wonderful actually. I've been working at this newly built hospital. And my house is amazing! Small, but amazing! It's right on the beach, the view is magnificent." She says.

It's weird seeing my mother this happy and full of life, but I decide that I like it and continue with the conversation.

"It's sounds beautiful out there, Peeta and I were considering it for our honeymoon." I say.

"Oh Katniss, you really should, you would love it!" She says.

Just then Peeta walks in and says "Hey, um the guest room needs new sheets and pillows. Where are they?"

"Uh in the closet next to the guest bathroom." I say.

"Okay, thanks." He says and kisses my cheek and then walks out.

My mom is staring at me with a huge grin plastered on her face.

"What?!" I ask playfully.

"Just the way he looks at you, it's like you can see the love in his eyes." She replies.

I blush and say "Really?" In disbelief.

"Really." She says confidently.

Just then the doorbell rang.

"Oh my gosh, I almost forgot! Mom Effie Trinket was coming over today." I say.

"Oh, okay." She says.

"I'll be right back." I say leaving the kitchen.

I go and open the door and see Effie wearing a bright blue dress with matching 6 inch heals and a high liter yellow wig.

"Effie!" I say, pulling her in for a hug.

"Katniss darling, you look wonderful!" She says, her Capitol accent as thick as ever.

"Where's Peeta?" She asks setting down her bags.

"Oh he went upstairs to fix up the guest room. My mom is also staying with us. It was kind of unexpected, we'd only set up your room." I say.

"Oh that's lovely! Where is your mother?" She asks.

"In the kitchen, we were just having tea." I say.

"Oh well then, we best not keep her waiting!" She says and struts into the kitchen.

I give a short chuckle and follow her.

Sorry for the wait! I've had severe writers block! I finally got something up. It probably sucks, but let me know what you think!

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