Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

I must have fallen asleep in the waiting room because when I wake up I see light shindig through the window. My back is killing me from sitting in this chair all night. I look around and see I am the only one in here. Haymitch walks in about a minute later with two coffees in his hand.

He hands one to me and says "Nice to see you finally woke up."

"Haha very funny." I say, taking the coffee from his hand and sipping from it. "Have you heard anything about Peeta yet?" I ask.

"Well, they finished surgery around 1 o'clock this morning, but they said we aren't aloud to see him till around noon." He says.

I look at the clock hanging above the receptionist's desk. It says 9:39. I have about two and a half hours to see Peeta. I have to get up and get walking around do I decide to go to the cafe and get se breakfast for Haymitch and I. It was pretty easy because Haymitch will eat whatever. When I get there, I get me and Haymitch plain bagels with honey flavored cream cheese and cinnamon roles. When I go to pay, the clerk says

"Oh my, Miss Everdeen! What are you doing in the hospital? Are you hurt?"

"No I'm fine, thank you. But Peeta has just had his appendix taken out." I reply.

"Oh well, I hope he's alright. Take care." She says and gives me my change.

I walk back to the waiting room with the food on a tray. I hand Haymitch his food and take mine.

As I'm throwing the food in the garbage, I turn back and notice a doctor talking to Haymitch. I rush over to hear the conversation.

"...will be in a very fragile state for about a week." Says the doctor. I walk in mid-sentence and only catch the last part.

"What's going on? Is Peeta okay?" I ask.

"Yes Peeta is going to be just fine. I was just telling Haymitch that for about a week he will be immobile and have to be taken care of. He will also be on a very strict diet. I was just making sure whoever it is, will be able to handle him for this period of time." Says the doctor.

"Trust me, I will try to take care of Peeta, the best that I can." I say.

"Well good, he's in his room now, you can go see him and he should wake up within the next hour. If he doesn't, let me know and I'll see what's going on." Says the doctor and walks away.

Peeta is in room 213 and I sprint down the hall. When I walk in there is a nurse just leaving with a tray of food.

"He just woke up. The first thing he said was Katniss." She says smiling and walking out.

At first I'm confused by how she knows my name. Then I realized I was kinda the leader of a revolution. As much as I try to be a normal person, things always end up relating to my "heroism" that apparently changed lives. I don't think it did, that's just what everyone tells me.

I walk around the curtain and see him laying in his bed looking at the wall. When he sees me his eyes light up which makes me blush.

"Katniss." He says weakly.

I rush over to him and give his a short, but sweet kiss.

"Peeta, I'm so glad you're okay! They wouldn't let me see you and I was here all night, and I didn't even now if you were alive." I say bawling.

"Shh. Shh. It's okay, Katniss. I'm fine!" He says to me.

"But Peeta I was so worried! I almost lost you twice before! Not once, but twice!" I say still crying.

"Katniss, I'm okay, I promise! I would never leave you ever! Alright?" He says.

"Okay." I say.

He pulls me into him and I hold onto him for what feels like forever. We get interrupted by a doctor coming in the room. The same one from the hall.

"Oh I'm sorry for interrupting." He says

"Oh no, you're fine." Peeta says and I pull away.

"So Mr. Mellark. You can go home after I give you these instructions. First: you have to be on bed rest for one week until you can move around again. Second: you will be a very strict diet, I will give Miss Everdeen a list of foods you need. Third: you have to take these pain killers three times a day, after eating. Taking these on an empty stomach, can cause heart burn and/or vomiting. If you have any questions, call me at this number." He writes down the number on a sheet with the instructions for Peeta and leaves.

I pack up Peeta's stuff and minutes later, a nurse comes in with a wheel chair and the pain killers. We help Peeta into the wheel chair and into the car. I drive home and help him into the house. We decided we would keep him in the downstairs bedroom until he heals, because he's not supposed to climb the stairs. There is also a bathroom down here, so he'll be fine.

I lay him on the bed and unpack his stuff. I can feel his eyes on me.

I turn around and ask "What?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to say thank you in advance for everything you're going to have to do for me in this next week." He says.

"Peeta. You don't need to thank me. I love you and I will help you no matter what." I say.

"Well you can take a break now." He says. "C'mere." He says opening his arms.

I lay down on the bed and fall asleep in his warm, protective arms.

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