Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

When I wake up again the clock says 8:34. I contemplate whether or not I should sleep a little more or just get ready. I decide to get ready to go hunting so I have fresh game for mine and Peeta's dinner tonight. I quickly change into black pants and a plain white tee shirt. I go downstairs and put on my hunting boots and my dad's hunting jacket. I leave and start to walk out of Victors Village. I stop by Sae's and ask her if she wants some meat. She happily accepts and I told her I'd bring her whatever I get the most of. I then head out into the woods. I hunt for about 2 hours and when I'm done I have three rabbits and 2 squirrels. I give Sae both the squirrels and a rabbit. When I get home I quickly skin them and put them in the fridge. I then go upstairs and shower. When I get out I put on a new pair of pants and a nicer navy blue shirt. When I go downstairs I start to roast some rabbits. I've never done it myself before but I remember almost exactly how Sae did it since I spent a countless number of days just sitting there watching her.

"Hey sweetheart." Haymitch says walking in my house.

I laugh a little but try to conceal it. "Ever heard if knocking?" I ask not trying to show my previous laughter.

"Sorry, but I saw you leave to hunt today." He says. "I was wondering if you got any extras."

"Ya there's a rabbit in the fridge, it's kinda small but it's plenty for you." I say still cutting up vegetables for the the roasted rabbit.

"Oh if that's the only one you got, I don't need it." He says.

"No no no, please take it. I'm not gonna finish it in time, it'll go bad here." I say.

"Okay, well thanks have a good day." He says walking out the front door.

I finish the vegetables and put them in the pan with the rabbit. When I look at the clock it's around three and I told Peeta to come over around five. Since I had nothing else to do today I decided to just go hang out with Peeta for a little while.

I walk over to his house and knock on his door. There's no answer. I knock a second time. Still no answer. The door is unlocked so I'm pretty sure he's home. I open the door and just walk right in. When I walk in I call out "Peeta?" And there's no answer. I look around and I walk into his kitchen and see him curled into a ball on the floor crying.

"Peeta..." I say and go kneel down next to him. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"I-I-I h-had a fl-flashb-back an-and I killed y-you." He says in between sobs.

"Oh Peeta, you and I both know you would never do that. Look, I'm here aren't I? I'm not dead." I say to him. He looks up at me and for a moment I get lost in his big blue eyes.

"I'm sorry you had to see me like this." He says starting to get up.

"It's okay," I say getting up with him. He pulls me into a hug that feels so warm and inviting. I pull away and look deep into his eyes and impulsively lean in for a kiss. He's a little shocked at first but kisses back a few seconds later. We kiss until we have to stop for air and when we break apart Peeta says,

"Katniss, I think I'm still in love with you."

"Me too Peeta, I don't think I ever stopped." I reply confidently, because I know that's the whole-hearted truth.

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