Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:

As the days go by I start to warm up to the fact that I'm having a baby. This morning I was watching Peeta make bread I realize I should probably tell my mom.

"Hey Peeta, you know what I just realized?"

"What?" He says looking up.

"I haven't told my mom I'm pregnant." I say.

"Oh, I totally forgot." He says.

"I'll be in the study, I'm calling her right now." I say walking to the study.

When I get in, I shut the door halfway and go to dial my mom's number. On the third ring she answers.

"Hello?" She says.

"Hi Mom." I say kind of nervous.

"Oh hi Katniss. How are you and Peeta?" She asks actually sounding concerned.

"Oh we're alright. I uh have something to tell you." I say playing with the phone's cord.

"Okay," My mom says lingering on the last part of the word.

"I'm pregnant." I say flat out.

At first I thought she hung up because she was silent for so long but the she replied with "Well I'm happy for you both, but I thought you would wait for marriage."

"Well this wasn't exactly a planned thing." I say.

"I understand. But I am truly happy for you both." She says.

"Thank you." I say.

"Okay, well have a nice day honey." She says.

"You too. Bye." I say shocked that she called me honey.

"Bye." She says and then hangs up.

That was a really weird conversation. I hadn't talked that casually with my mother ever in my life. As I'm walking back to the kitchen to tell Peeta about the very strange phone conversation with my mom, I hear a loud shatter in the kitchen. I run in to find Peeta holding into the edge of the counter so tightly his knuckles are white. He looks straight into my eyes.

"Peeta," I say walking toward him.

"Get away from me you mutt!" He screams.

"Peeta, it's me, it's Katniss." I say.

"No get away!" He says again.

"Peeta you love me, remember? I'm not a mutt." I say trying to stay calm.

The black slowly fades from his eyes. Thank god this was a short one.

He sinks to the ground and I rush to his side behind the counter. Peeta doesn't like to cry in front of me but this flashback most of been hard because he starts bawling into his hands.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He keeps saying.

"Peeta I hate when you do this. It wasn't your fault. Stop apologizing please." I say.

"Okay, it's just I've been a little on edge lately because I'm afraid I'll hurt you or the baby during a flashback." He says.

"Peeta I know you won't." I say. I kiss him and he kisses back. This kiss is full of love and support and that's just what Peeta needs right now.

"C'mon, let's clean up." I say.

"No you go rest, I got it." Peeta says.

I go upstairs and I lay in bed thinking about my future with Peeta and our new baby.

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