Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

Peeta and I have been dating for two months now. Yesterday was exactly two. Tomorrow is my eighteenth birthday and I'm actually quite excited. I wake um and look at the clock and see that it's noon. Oh my god. How could I have slept this long? Lately I've been super tired and I don't know why. I think it's just because of nightmares and waking up in the middle of the night. Plus I never really got enough sleep in my life and now that I'm finally not trying to provide for my family, or worrying about the president killing me, I can actually enjoy my sleep. I walk down the stairs to look do Peeta and see him sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Hey." I say wrapping my arms around his neck from behind the couch.

"Well it looks like you finally decided to wake up." He says.

"Really Peeta? Who cares if I slept in? It's my life and I can do whatever I want, thank you." I snap at him. I don't know why I just got so mad, I guess I'm just still cranky from waking up.

"Woah, didn't mean to upset you there honey. If it makes you feel better, there's pancakes on the counter." He says.

"Thank you." I say and walked out.

"Hey I'm going to go into town to get groceries." Peeta says walking into the kitchen. Me and Peeta pretty much live together now he moved all his clothes here but it was gradually and it just kinda happened naturally. It wasn't a planned thing really.

"Okay well I have to shower and straighten up around here so I'm not going to go. I mean unless you want me to." I say.

"No you don't have to come if you don't want. I was just letting you know." He says. "Well I'm gonna go now then."

"Okay, oh besides food, we need toothpaste, paper towels, and laundry detergent." I say.

"Alright I'll remember that." He says. He comes over and gives me a quick peck on the lips. "See you in a little while." And then walks out the door.

I go upstairs and shower. I take my time because I know I won't be doing anything today. After my shower I clean the house. I finish before Peeta gets home and see that it's already six o'clock. He Gould be home right now. I start to get worried and just as I'm about the call him, he walks through te door. I'm so happy he's okay and I can't help running into his arms. He has groceries in his hands and I nearly knock him over and I give him a long, hard kiss before saying.

"I was getting worried something happened, what took you so long?"

"Nothing really I just took my time I guess, I also stopped to talk to Sae for a while. I'm sorry, I should've called." He says.

"No, it's fine. You didn't need to. Why don't I start putting the groceries away a ms you can start dinner." I suggest.

"Okay, sounds good." Peeta replies.

After dinner is done and the table is set, we sit down and have a delicious dinner of oven roasted chicken.

"This is wonderful Peeta!" I exclaim having another piece. It's not like me to have seconds, but I did only have two pancakes today.

"Thank you." He says laughing at my excitement.

After dinner we clean up and head to bed seeing that it's already eight o'clock. After we get settled and I'm cuddled up next to Peeta he asks

"Are you excited for your birthday tomorrow?"

"Well of course! I will officially become an adult and you will no longer have a girlfriend that is considered a 'child'." I say.

He laughs and says "Katniss, I could never, ever think of you as a child."

"Well thanks Peeta but it's the truth." I say.

"Whatever." He says smiling and closing his eyes.

I fall asleep soon after with thoughts about tomorrow and how hopefully, it will be perfect.

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