{I} i think i'm going to throw up

190 10 1

{I} i think i'm going to throw up

Yoongi read the test score over and over. It was a perfect score.

"What'd you get?" Yoongi's best friend, Namjoon, asked, sneaking next to him.

"An A-plus," Yoongi spoke, voice wavering from shock.

Of course, Namjoon noticed. "Hey, isn't this your favourite unit? Y'know, investigation?"

"Crime and investigation."

"If this is you hinting that you'll drop out of school to become a criminal, that's not a good idea."

"Who would?"

"I dunno, you?" Namjoon laughed.

Yoongi concentrated, summoning his ability to read minds.

Don't sweat it, Yoongs.

He picked up his binder and shoved his test paper inside as the bell rang, signalling the end of class.

At the same time, the intercom buzzed to life.

Yoongi never really paid attention to the intercom, but when he heard his name come out of the old thing, he was shocked.

"Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok, please come to the office."

Yoongi could feel 99% of the class' eyes on him.

I think I'm about to throw up.

He'd never been called to the office. As he slowly made his way out of the classroom, cheeks heating up, he pondered about what he could've done wrong.

Wait, they also called Hoseok.

Jung Hoseok was the most popular guy in school. He'd have nothing to do with a nobody like Yoongi.

Yoongi turned into the office. The secretary noticed this.

"Oh, Yoongi! Behind me, down the hall, third door on the right."

Yoongi obliged, heading down the hallway.

Third door on the righ- oh shit.

The door read, "Bang Si-Hyuk, Principal".

Yoongi sighed and opened the door.

"Yoongi," the principal said, gesturing to one of the two seats. "I'm glad you're here."


random af but i ranked bts

so wherever someone is everyone below them they top


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