[XIV] props to you

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[XIV] props to you

Hoseok pointed the gun at the target, tapping the trigger lightly. Nothing happened.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, pointing his own gun at the target and pulling the trigger hard. The bullet sunk into the dummy across the room.
"You have to actually try, idiot."

The younger tapped the trigger again. I'm scared.

"Oh, you're scared?" The older chuckled, grabbing the gun. "Let me do this." He pulled the trigger quickly and watched the other dummy collapse.

"Damn, props to you." Hoseok dejectedly grabbed the gun back from Yoongi.

"Your training seems to be going well, huh?"

The two high schoolers turned to see Jin and Jiwoo entering the space.

Hoseok rolled his eyes. "For Yoongi, yes."

"You've just got to be more... confident, per se." Jiwoo collected the two guns from Yoongi, placing them up on the weapons wall. "You guys excited to get a mission?"

Yoongi cracked his knuckles. "Fucking born ready."

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