[XLVIII] saving the queen

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[XLVIII] saving the queen

Later that day, Hoseok, Yoongi, and Soohyung met up in their usual room. They took some time there to prepare themselves, having to wait for JYPE to almost be closed before they could go inside.

Soohyung was first to move inside the school, not even worried about the cameras at that point. She just wanted her girlfriend back.

"That was really risky," Hoseok commented as he followed behind.

"I know." Soohyung didn't sound like she exactly cared, however. "You guys have been here, not me. How do we get anywhere?"

"I doubt there are any other chambers in here besides the ones in the principal's office," Yoongi stated. "And we still know where the key is, right?"

"Right. Oh yeah, Soohyung, there's security guards here too," Hoseok added, turning to the woman. He saw a flashlight behind her, which made him panic. "Like over there."

He pulled her to the side, seeing that Yoongi had already pressed himself up against the wall. They were blocked by lockers, thankfully, so the security guards couldn't see them.

Eventually, the light turned away, letting the group continue down the dark hallway.

The principal's office wasn't too far away, but Yoongi let out a small groan when he remembered something. "How are we supposed to get in if it's always locked?"

"Oh, psh, that's easy," Soohyung said, pulling out one of her hairpins. She inserted it into the lock, fiddling around with it.

Hoseok looked nervously down the hallway, seeing another beam of light approaching. The guard was going to turn their way if Soohyung didn't hurry up...

"Got it!" she whisper-yelled, slipping into the office. Yoongi and Hoseok followed her, making sure that the door closed quietly behind them.

Once inside the office, Yoongi didn't waste any time. He grabbed the trophy that Jackson had from earlier, finding the compartment and fishing out the key.

Unlocking the door from before, the trio were able to find themselves in  "the backrooms," if you may.

"We still have to be quiet back here," Hoseok whispered. "I think there's people down the hall."

He was right. As they approached the end of the hall, not only did a sharp corner face the group, but voices.

Yoongi seemed to have a hand on the gun around his waist. "We are allowed to arrest these people, right?"

"We are," Soohyung whispered back. "Kidnapping, fraud, murder? I'm pretty sure those are illegal."

"Take the lead, sis."

And so she did. Soohyung stepped around the corner, gun already drawn. "Hands up, all of you!"

Hoseok and Yoongi stepped around as well, eyes skimming the area. There were just about ten people there, one of them tied to a chair. Hoseok took the initiative to journey in and rescue the woman while Yoongi and Soohyung dealt with... well, everyone else.

"Thank you. Thank goodness you guys got here quickly." Jiwoo let out a sigh of relief. "There's a girl who got away, however. I don't know her name, but I remember what she looks like."

"We'll deal with that later." Hoseok reached for the handcuffs in his back pocket. "For now, we need to focus on these idiots."

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