[XXX] kim jaehwan, you're fucking sick

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[XXX] kim jaehwan, you're fucking sick

Hoseok watched his mother struggle to unlock the door, chewing on his bottom lip. She hadn't questioned why he wanted her to unlock a private door until she heard "get off me!" from the inside.

The door finally swung open, and the scene gained a gasp from the Jungs.

Jaehwan was on top of Yoongi, a fistful of the latter's shirt in his grasp. The younger was attempting to push him off, stopping when he noticed Minseop and Hoseok at the door. "Thank goodness."

Jaehwan was just as confused as Minseop looked. "What- what the fuck?"

"Well, here it is." Hoseok opened the drawer, revealing the wallet he'd "left" in his boyfriend's room. Then he turned to his mother. "If you can't figure out what's been going on here for the past few weeks, then you shouldn't be able to call yourself a parent."


Minseop and Jaehwan broke up later that afternoon.

Yoongi and Hoseok caught a whiff of this news from outside of the woman's room, where the two were in the midst of a heated argument.

All in all, Hoseok was proud of Yoongi for being able to deal with the motives of Kim Jaehwan one last time. But he still thought one thing about the male.

Kim Jaehwan, you're fucking sick.

And, unfortunately, somehow Minseop disagreed. To a certain extent.

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