[VI] a lie with a prize

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[VI] a lie with a prize

Managing to get through Monday with Yoongi's annoyed attitude was something that Hoseok was proud of himself for achieving. They'd left the notes in the assigned lockers and just had to head to the back of the school to get to the 7 agents.

There was one obstacle, however.

Namely, Park Jihyo, student council president.

She has been watching Yoongi and Hoseok from a distance and was skeptical of their "relationship".

She blocked the two off from the back of the school.

"Are you two really dating?"

Starting off strong, Hoseok thought.

"Of course."

"Prove it."

Hoseok malfunctioned, yet still turned to Yoongi. He hoped that Yoongi would read his mind, and he was thinking of one word.


Yoongi managed to get it just in time and they pulled in for a kiss.

Despite not having kissed anyone before, Yoongi kissed really well. Or maybe it was because Hoseok was giving directions in his head.

When Hoseok instructed "Pull away," they did exactly that.

Jihyo just let out a dissatisfied grunt and walked off.

Or so Hoseok thought.

"Hey, Yoongi, I'm sorry for-" he was quickly caught off guard by Yoongi kissing him again.

The kiss was slower than the last one, and Hoseok genuinely enjoyed it. He tried to not think about it too much, because Yoongi seemed to always be focusing.

Hoseok started to pull away, but Yoongi pulled him back in with a little more force.

Yoongi let his lips linger for a second longer before pulling away, usually small lips a bit puffed up and red.

"It's okay, I'm starting to warm up to PDAs."

Hoseok was confused until Yoongi glanced backward. "C'mon, let's go."

"What was that about?" Hoseok asked.

"Jihyo was still watching. I had to stop you from apologizing or she'd realize something was up."

"But did it have to be that long?"

Hoseok watched as Yoongi's cheeks were suddenly dusted a light pink, as though a little fairy had come along and left a sparkling trail on his face.

"Um, s-she was s-still w-watching," Yoongi muttered, but Hoseok knew he was lying with the way he'd blushed and was stuttering. "Anyways, let's go."


haha updates go brrrr

three updates in one day! i guess i feel bad for not updating for a little bit of time because of my drafts. i mean im running out again so-

but first kiss here we goooooo

you could probably tell they were gonna kiss because of the way yoongi reacted in chap five for them having to be a couple

i just realized that basically nothing happens in this chapter

and drop some comments, lemme know what your thoughts are!

if you're enjoying the book, i'd appreciate it if you gave it a vote

anyways that's a long ending note, so bye!

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