[XXXII] he loves me not

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[XXXII] he loves me not

Hoseok had eventually wedged his way into Yoongi's room. The older was sitting on his bed, looking out the window. "Hey."

"Hey." It came out more like a grunt, but got the message across.

The two sat in silence before Yoongi decided to start up a conversation. "I heard Minseop crying."

"But she was basically saying that Jaehwan did nothing." Hoseok broke his gaze from the window to look at his boyfriend. "Which we both know is not true."

"I still feel bad," the latter said, looking down. "She had all these fun memories with her boyfriend after not having a partner for over ten– no, fifteen– years, then it turns out that he's a rapist. And how does she find this out? From a random boy that her son brought home and is living in her house rent free. Would you not be mad?"

The younger's eyes avoided Yoongi's. "I don't know. But she still shouldn't've–"

"Hoseok, stop." The male had found out that Yoongi was extremely scary when mad. Now that most of his anger towards his own life was gone, he didn't yell out when mad. He stayed calm, but gave you a stare that would scar your great-great-grandchildren. That's how scary he was. If he was really ticked, that's when the anger would show. "That's your mom."


"Oh, for fuck's sake, Hobi! I made a grown woman cry. I made a grown woman cry in a place where I shouldn't even be. In fact, I made her cry and ripped her boyfriend from her in the same twenty minute span. And you're out here telling me to be happy about it? Unbelievable. Un-fucking-believable."

Yoongi stood up quickly from his spot by the bed, exiting the room. Hoseok was hot on his heels until the former opened the front door.

"Where are you going?"

"Where I technically should be."

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