[VIII] an awkward drive

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[VIII] an awkward drive

"So," Hoseok says, drumming the steering wheel of his car. Awkward Silence by Stray Kids played quietly out of the radio. "We should learn more about each other, right?"

Yoongi grumbled a bit, but nodded.

"Soooo... what's your sexuality?"

"Why do you want to know."

Hoseok thought of a quick answer.

"Because we kissed today-"

"Don't remind me." Yoongi held up a hand, which Hoseok noticed was a habit of his.

Damn, Hoseok thought, was the kiss really that bad?

"Can you at least tell me?"

Yoongi grunted. "I'm gay. There." He turned away from Hoseok.

"I'm bi."

"Did I ask?"

How can someone be so cute but so mean?

Wait, Hoseok, what are you thinking? Yoongi's right there. Maybe he's not focusing.

Hoseok tapped Yoongi. "..."

He turned. "What?"

"Can you, like, not focus for a second?"


He's so pretty. And cute. And sometimes funny. He's not nice, but he's tolerating me.


Am I starting to like Min Yoongi?

Aw fuck it.

I'm gay for Yoongi.

"Okay, there." Hoseok looked over at Yoongi, studying his features. His eyes darted from Yoongi's stare out the window down to his hand, where a wilted rose tattoo resided. (pic above chapter)

"You have a tattoo?" Hoseok asked.

"Yeah," Yoongi replied. "I got it when I was 16. My mom thought the papers to let me get it were for school or some shit so she signed them."

Hoseok hummed in response as the apartment building Yoongi lived in came into view. He stayed silent as Yoongi unbuckled his seatbelt and climbed out of the car.

"Thanks," he mumbled, before shutting the door.

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