{XXV} a farewell letter

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{XXV} a farewell letter

Yoongi sighed, leaning over the last box of his few belongings. The four tan walls of his room in the apartment were finally bare, and the space felt a little clearer.

It made him smile.

He heard a little chuckle from behind, turning to see Hoseok standing, leaning against the door frame. "Is that it?"

"That's everything." Yoongi pushed up his sweater paws from the large red hoodie he wore, picking up the box and giving it to Hoseok. Only seven boxes of things. A few were a bit larger than the others, however.

Hoseok smiled at the older's actions. "That's cute." He pressed a kiss to Yoongi's nose.

Yoongi scoffed, playfully swiping at his nose. "Watch who you're calling cute. I'm the older one here."

The younger detective rolled his eyes, taking the box and walking out of the room. "I'll be waiting in the car."


Yoongi glanced at the bedroom longingly one last time before closing it for the last time. He walked down the short hallway, taking a crumpled piece of paper out of his pocket and placing it on the dining table. He knew full well that his parents were going to be home for dinner that night. His brother was also coming over, which was rare. Yoongi's parents had said that they had a surprise for him at the dinner, but he didn't want their surprise.

Yoongi placed his house key on the table next to the note, opening the apartment door and walking out, letting it shut behind him.


That night, Min Seojeuk and Min Doji returned home from work, along with their firstborn son, Min Leeseok. Their plans were to meet Yoongi at the apartment, especially since they had a surprise for him. Since he seemed to love his sister so much, they were allowing her back in the house (mainly because she had told them that she was dating a man).

However, when they arrived, the house was silent.

"Yoongi?" Doji called, looking for the teenage male. Where could he be?

Already mad, Seojeuk stormed down the hall. He opened the door to see that the room was barren and empty. "What is this? Min Yoongi!"

Leeseok had been looking around the house, seeing a note next to a key. "Interesting," he said, picking up the note.

As he scanned the first few lines, his eyes widened. "Dad, you need to see this."

Seojeuk walked back to the main room, snatching the note out of his son's grasp. Both the latter and Doji peeked over his shoulder, reading the letter.

Dear mom and dad,

Hi, I guess. Either you've figured out that I'm gone, or you haven't come and checked on me yet. Well, I'm gone. For your own good.

Wondering what I mean by that? I'm gay.

Not only that, but I'm unsupported. I remember the hardest year of my life was when I was fifteen. I had finally figured out my sexuality, and I was also diagnosed with depression, which you guys completely glazed over. I was directed to therapy, but obviously couldn't get a job for another year. Remember how I randomly started doing service for the people on our floor? That's why. Namjoon also helped me a lot.

You're probably terribly disappointed in me. I don't care. It's too late anyways. There's something at school that I've been involved with, but nobody asked how I was doing. I've gotten some support there.

I also have a boyfriend. And he was wonderful enough to help me leave.

So if I can have any final wish, I'd ask for you guys to leave me alone.

Min Yoongi

Seojeuk probably looked like his eyes were bulging out of his head. He immediately started tearing the paper into tiny pieces. "You know what this is? This is garbage! Who am I to listen to what my son asks?"

He reached into his back pocket to get his phone, walking down the hall to he and Doji's room before slamming the door shut.

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