{XXI} operation: avoid hoseok

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{XXI} operation: avoid hoseok

Yoongi peeked outside of the boy's bathroom before darting back out. Let's just say that ever since he practically kicked Hoseok out of his bedroom, he'd been avoiding the latter. Thankfully, they only had one class together, which was math.

Math was next.

Yoongi clutched his textbook closer to his chest, blending in just as he once did before. Ever since he'd started tutoring Hoseok, he'd been getting a bit more unwanted attention.

Stepping into his math class, Yoongi saw no sign of the younger male. He sat down at his desk, a sigh escaping his lips as his eyes closed.

Yes, thinking about Hoseok had made him lose sleep, especially last night. So maybe resting his eyes was the best form of a nap that he could get.


"Fucking-" The male jumped as he looked to see who the perpetrator of him losing his shut eye was.

It was Namjoon. (You totally thought it was going to be Hoseok, didn't you? So did I, actually.)

The younger's eyes widened at the interjection. "So you were asleep. Sorry about that."

"I was not asleep!" The older rolled his eyes. "I was resting my eyes."

Namjoon's face visibly dropped, his voice following. "Is it because..." he let his voice trail off, his eyes darting around the room.

Yoongi shook his head. "It's not that," he replied. "Well, it's that. But it's also because... well, you were right about Hoseok."

Before either of them could continue, the bell sounded, ending their conversation. Both surprisingly and unsurprisingly, Hoseok hadn't arrived yet.

Just as the teacher began to assign the textbook pages they were to complete, the door opened. The entire class turned to face the back, where Hoseok stood in the doorway.

"I'm sorry I'm late," he walked to the front of the class to hand the teacher his late slip, before sinking into his seat and dumping his backpack on the floor.

His seat, right next to Yoongi.

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