[XVI] agents min and jung with hybe

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[XVI] agents min and jung with hybe

Yoongi and Hoseok piled into the special car that HYBE had provided them with. It was made with bulletproof glass, meaning it was extremely safe.

Hoseok gripped the steering wheel. The two new agents were tasked with visiting the site of a murder to see if there were any clues that the other agents had missed. Jiwoo and Jin would meet them there.

As Hoseok started driving, the car was silent.

Yoongi was remembering the first time that they had attempted conversation while in a vehicle together. That was the day after he'd hurt himself, so that was about as awkward as you'd expect.

There were only a few turns left, but Hoseok's grip on the steering wheel tightened as he had a vision.


Glass shattered around the two, who both covered their heads to protect themselves.

A masked figure ran across the street, leaving the two stranded in the middle of the road.

Hoseok was snapped out of his vision, now making the turn. He looked past Yoongi, who was in the passenger's seat, to see the same masked figure holding a gun.


The older had the sense to read Hoseok's thoughts, ducking his head immediately. Hoseok followed suit, stopping the car in the middle of the road. Thankfully, the road was empty.

The sound of breaking glass echoed through the car. Yoongi had figured out most of Hoseok's vision by reading his mind, so he grabbed his gun and shot at the figure.

The figure dropped to the ground, and Hoseok pulled over.

Yoongi hopped out of the car, followed closely by his younger agent. The person wasn't dead, but unconscious. The older agent had brought out their first aid kit, easily wrapping up the wound in the ...man's arm.

Hoseok squinted. "Isn't he the guy who was supposed to give us bulletproof windows?"

"You're right. That's weird." Yoongi picked up the figure to bring him to the backseat of the vehicle. The younger looked up at him, noticing a red streak running down his cheek.

"You have a scar." Hoseok instinctively reached out to the older, who moved back immediately.

"I'm fine."

That was a common phrase for Hoseok to hear from the male, but he'd stopped questioning it a while ago. Instead, he helped Yoongi with bringing the man into the car and getting to the murder site.


Police sirens shrieked their song as Yoongi and Hoseok walked up to the tape. A big, bulky police officer was standing in their way.

Yoongi reached for his HYBE ID, but Hoseok stopped him. "Leave it to me."

"What a gentleman," the older scoffed.

Yoongi walked onto the scene as Hoseok whipped out his HYBE ID to the police officer. "Agents Min and Jung with HYBE."

The police officer stepped aside, letting him pass.

Boy, I could get used to this.


here's a late detective update

i lowkey forgot how fun writing this story is

also, thanks for 600 😭 i was so happy when i read that number

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