[IV] new beginnings

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[IV] new beginnings

"Hobi, where are you going?" Jimin asked.

"Oh, um," Hoseok scratched behind his ear. "I have tutoring." It wasn't completely a lie.

"That sucks, dude." Taehyung said. Then he flashed his boxy smile. "Text us when you're done."

"Gotcha," Hoseok replied, speeding off to Room 222.


When Hoseok got to Room 222, Yoongi was standing there with a male that Hoseok didn't know. He was tall and had broad shoulders.

"Ah, there you are. My name is..." the male stopped speaking and looked at Yoongi.

"...Kim Seokjin," Yoongi replied.

"And..." Jin looked at Yoongi again and smiled.

"...You have telepathy and telekinesis."

Jin smiled and turned to Hoseok, catching him off guard. "And you. You have some control over your precognition, huh?"

Hoseok was about to ask what precognition was for the second time but stopped himself. "Yeah."

"Seven minutes into the future."

Hoseok obliged, focusing. He saw Jin, Yoongi, and another girl. The girl spoke.

"Hoseok, if you can hear me, I'm Jiwoo."

Then his sight ended.

"So?" Jin asked. "What'd you hear?"

"There was this girl," Hoseok stated. "And she said, 'Hoseok, if you can hear me, I'm Jiwoo.'"

Jin smiled. "Perfect. Follow me."

Hoseok and Yoongi stared at each other with confusion before following Jin.

Room 222 used to be used as a storage space for library books, so there were still a few shelves inside.

Jin walked over to a shelf in the far right corner of the room and looked back to see if the door to enter the room was locked. The door wasn't locked nor shut. So Jin used his telekinesis to shut and lock it.

After that, Jin pushed the bookshelf to the side, revealing a staircase that headed downwards.

"Woah," Yoongi and Hoseok gasped in unison.

Jin went down the steps, Hoseok and Yoongi hesitantly following him.

When they reached the bottom, there was a training facility, and a girl with long brown hair.

The same girl from my vision.

Yoongi had been looking at Hoseok, and had read his thoughts. Then he turned to the girl. "You must be Jiwoo."

The girl smiled. "Yes, I am. I assume that you most likely read Hoseok's mind?"

"Yes I did."

Jiwoo turned to Hoseok. "It's been 7 minutes. Hoseok, if you can hear me, I'm Jiwoo."

Hoseok was already confused, but her words made him even more confused. "Wait- how did-"

"I can time travel," Jiwoo started. "It's like your precognition, but I can choose who's future- or past- I see. I can time travel in a certain place, so if I wanted to see the future in the hallways of this school, I could stand in the hallway."

"Interesting," Hoseok said, in less shock now.

"Jin told me about all this before you were out of school. I traveled into the future and did as I would, until we got to this point."

"I-" Hoseok was in shock. "That's really cool."

Jin spun in a circle. "This is where you'll be spending some time after school. You can build up your physical strength," he gestured to some weights, "as well as the strength of your powers. And," he turned to Yoongi. "You can tutor Hoseok here."

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