[XXXVIII] the school what now

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[XXXVIII] the school what now

It was only 10 days before the dance that Hoseok actually found out about its existence. For the first time in forever, he and Yoongi were spending lunch with their respective friends and not in the basement of Room 222. It was a sort of catch-up period with his friends.

"So, um, Namjoon... asked me to the school dance, and–"

Hoseok nearly choked on his mac and cheese. "Hold up– the school what now?"

"You didn't know about it?" Taehyung shot him a look of confusion. "It's all anyone has been able to talk about."

"I was sure you and Yoongi were going together. Speaking of which..." Jungkook let his voice trail off.

"Nothing's really changed with us." Hoseok wasn't about to bring up his and Yoongi's powers like oh yeah by the way I can literally see the future, Yoongi can read minds, and we've been going into the school basement that nobody knew existed to build on these powers as well as solve a murder mystery which is the biggest of our time. No way. "I guess he moved in and that's it."

"Wait, when did he move in?" Jimin's forehead wrinkled, the expression setting in on his face a weird combination of excitement and confusion. "Last time I checked, he was avoiding you but you were also about to court the fuck out of him."

"A lot happened." Hoseok sighed as the memories flashed in front of his eyes, sure that Yoongi's were worse. "I don't think it's my place to talk about any of it. My mom had to break up with her boyfriend, though."

Jungkook squinted. "Jaehwan? But he seemed so nice. We all met him."

"What even happened to him?" Taehyung questioned.

"I think he got arrested–" was all that Hoseok was able to say before more interjections came. Serves him right for abandoning his friends for so long.

It was Jimin's turn to ask even more questions. "Why? I can't imagine him doing anything bad."

Hoseok closed his eyes and sighed, this time much heavier to show that he wanted to drop the topic. "Again, not my place to say. Anyways, what's this dance even about?"


decided to give taekook another appearance since they're SUPPOSED to be two of hobi's closest friends

in a few of these upcoming chapters yoongi's gonna tell hoseok a few things but he's not going to be too graphic so i don't think i need warnings

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