{XVII} a piece of evidence

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{XVII} a piece of evidence

Yoongi had fetched Jiwoo and Jin, bringing them over to the car that had brought them to the murder scene.

"What happened to the window?" Jiwoo asked.

"We're getting there." Yoongi opened the back door, showcasing the still-unconscious man.

"Holy-" Jin jumped back, slamming his hand over his mouth. "Isn't that the guy who gave you bulletproof windows?"

"Correction: he was supposed to." Hoseok walked around the car, joining the trio. "He then proceeded to shoot Yoongi's car window and caused glass to fall on him."

"Jeez, you even have a scar." Jiwoo's motherly instinct swooped in as she reached for Yoongi's cheek.

The boy pulled away. "Now would be a good time to look at the body."

The "body" that Yoongi spoke of belonged to a middle aged man. He had a briefcase with him, which probably used to be full of money. Now, it was cracked open and empty. The blood had been cleaned up, but it still made the agents' stomachs uneasy.

Hoseok ran towards the body and crouched down, going to touch it.

Yoongi pulled out his gun, pointing it at Hoseok. "What the fuck do you thing you're doing, you fucking dumbass?"

Hoseok looked up at Yoongi. "Rephrase that without the gun."

Yoongi sighed, put away his gun, and shot a sharp glare at Hoseok.

"What. Are. You. Doing?"

"Um, my job?" Hoseok replied, looking up.

"Ah yes, your job is to stick your fingers wherever you like and leave fingerprints everywhere. Congratulations, you're now one of my prime suspects." Yoongi took out the gun yet again. "And maybe the polices' as well."

Hoseok stood up. "What is it with you and that gun?"

"Nothing. I'm just trying to stop a certain someone from being an idiot." Yoongi crouched down, next to Hoseok.


The girl walked up to the duo quickly. "Yes?"

"Earlier, you showed us some photos. Didn't all the victims have this same scar on their cheeks?"

Jiwoo crouched down, gesturing for Jin to join them. The latter brought gloves, letting Jiwoo examine the victim's cheek better.

"You're right. It looks like a signature, almost. L.Y.B., maybe?"

"That's the signature we saw on one of the cage things in the principal's office!" Hoseok exclaimed, clearly excited to see it all start coming together.

"That's one mystery solved," Jiwoo said, "but what about the rest of it?"

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