[XLVI] we're all in this together

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[XLVI] we're all in this together

Hoseok watched the police shoving away a few of the JYPE "idiots" (Yoongi's words, not his), and made sure to see off one specific person.

"Well, Park Jin Young. The other one." Hoseok walked up to the school's principal, crossing his arms.

"Well, Jung Hoseok. Or should I say Park."

Hoseok scoffed. "Park Hoseok?"

Jin Young grinned, but it was more like a sly smirk than anything. He was only able to get out one more sentence before the door to the police car shut. "Of course it's Park. You'd expect me to recognize my own son, right?"

And Hoseok was left stunned as the car drove away. He immediately left to search for Yoongi, finding the older by another car.

"I kinda just found out something really freaky," he panted out. Before he could say anything, he could see Jihoon moving over to them, Soonyoung trailing behind.

"Something is wrong. Very wrong."

Soonyoung covered the boy's mouth. "Listen, Ji– WOOZI, we need to find Jin." He turned to Hoseok and Yoongi, shooting a pained smile. "Something's off with him, sorry."

"What?" Yoongi said in confusion, but his attention was pulled away again. Another person– Lee Yongbok, or Felix– was also being pulled into a car.

"It's not me, I'm telling you!" He didn't seem to fight back or struggle, not wanting to be accused of resisting arrest. The boy caught eye contact with Hoseok and Yoongi, and something in his eyes seemed... innocent.

Before the car door shut to silence him, he was able to say one last thing.

"I'm innocent."

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