(04) meanie and mini

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(04) meanie and mini

Namjoon stole another glance at the boy strewn across his bed. He'd invited Jimin over. Well, it was a bit more like the latter asked to show up and he'd agreed. Slightly against his will.

Truth be told, Namjoon probably hadn't even looked away from Jimin in the first place. He was just so... easy to look at. He was even able to ignore the looming school dance just by taking a look at the younger. He was ethereal.

Jimin noticed this, of course. Part of him wanted to bite with a snarky remark, but that might only spoil his chances further. He decided he'd wait for Namjoon to say something, if he even did at all.

He did eventually.


The younger sighed quietly. Namjoon was hoping that the first thing to come out of his mouth would be something like "let's date" or "will you be my boyfriend", but he had to remember he wasn't just as confident as Jimin yet.


"Will..." The words were on the tip of Namjoon's tongue. Will you be my boyfriend? "Um, sorry, will you be my..."

Jimin raised his eyebrows ever so slightly, seemingly ready to immediately agree to whatever was asked of him.

"Will you be my... will you be my date to the dance?"

Oh, he messed up. "I-I mean, I don't have anyone else to go with because Yoongi is probably going with Hoseok, and I thought that since Taehyung and Jungkook are probably going with each other, I should just go with you." The more Namjoon spoke, the more he messed up. "Not that I'm saying you're my last choice! I mean..."

Jimin sighed, audibly this time, standing up from his comfortable spot on the bed to walk over to Namjoon at his desk. "Joon." He pressed his hands to the older's cheeks, but it was more of an aggressive gesture than a romantic one. "Calm down. I'll go with you. Though," a playful tone was now in his voice, "you're such a meanie!"

"I'm sorry, Mini." Yes, Namjoon was trying to say Jiminie, but the hands pressing his lips together the wrong way weren't exactly helping.

Maybe it wasn't exactly what he wanted, but it would suffice.


okay yes minimoni were supposed to get together in this chapter but who am i giving my characters an easy way out? >:)

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