[XX] tutors and kisses

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[XX] tutors and kisses

Hoseok and Yoongi were now curled up on the older's bed, a textbook dividing their territory.

No matter how many times Yoongi re-explained calculus (which Hoseok found so stupid), the younger was unable to focus on anything.

Except Yoongi.

It was quite ironic, really. The one who'd been telling the other to "keep things professional" was also on the verge of throwing all the textbooks off the bed to get to Yoongi.



Yoongi sighed. "A rock has a better attention span than you, I swear. You're gonna be fucked on this unit test if you don't pay attention."

Hoseok bit his lip, looking down and nodding. But I only want to pay attention to you.


The younger's eyes widened as he realized he'd confessed that out loud. "Oh, nothing. Nothing at all."

Thankfully, the older hadn't heard.

Well, that was what he thought.

Yoongi chuckled a bit to himself, about to dive into the joyous world of calculus for the sixth time. Past his calm exterior, however, he was in panic mode. He became even more panicked when Hoseok moved the textbook to the side.


"It's time for a break." Hoseok moved closer to Yoongi, settling beside the older. "Gives me time to focus on what's more important."

"Which is?" The older asked.

Hoseok's heart was pounding throughout his chest, but he ignored it. Thank goodness he was such a natural flirt. "You."

Yoongi rolled his eyes, turning towards the younger. "Are you flirting with me?"

"What if I am?" The latter turned to face him.

Hoseok moved his face closer to Yoongi's, finding slight amusement in the way the older's face began flaring red. What was stopping either of them from closing the short distance between them?

To Hoseok's surprise, Yoongi was the one to do so. Their lips met sweetly, the two of them finding themselves enjoying it. Hoseok would be lying if he said that he wouldn't want to stay there for all eternity.

Yoongi's bedroom door flew open, the two jumping apart as the older detective's mom walked in with no suspicions. "Hoseok is still here?"

"Actually," Yoongi replied, jumping up from the bed and shoving Hoseok's things into his backpack, "he was just about to leave. Right, Hoseok?"

The younger took one look at the painful customer service smile Yoongi had and grabbed his backpack. "Yes, I was."

Mrs. Min nodded. "Alright then."

Once she'd left, Hoseok turned to a red-faced Yoongi. "Wha-"

"Out." The older began shooing him out of the bedroom. "Out, out, out."

Eventually, the younger ended up on the other side of the doorframe. "Yoongi, wai-"

But, before Hoseok was able to speak, the door was shut in his face.


this was actually the first chapter i planned in the book

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