{XXIII} i need to leave

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{XXIII} i need to leave

Yoongi and Hoseok were curled up together in the former's bed. A couple of weeks had passed since they had made it official between them, and Yoongi was getting more comfortable with Hoseok.

The duo were currently in a cuddling position, embracing and talking about whatever came to mind. At first, they were having a study session, but one thing led to another and they got sidetracked.

"What are you thinking so far about the case?" Hoseok suddenly asked.

Yoongi thought for a moment, shrugging. "There isn't really enough evidence to say anything. Plus, it's a little scary."

"Then I'll protect you."

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "You're so cheesy." Despite this response, he pressed a kiss to Hoseok's lips, and of course, he deepened it.

The two's makeout session advanced, shy hands beginning to find their homes on waists, backs, shoulders, necks, and cheeks.

Footsteps were heard from down the hall, approaching quickly. The older pushed his boyfriend out from under the covers to the other side of the bed. He quickly opened up their school books again, gaining confusion from Hoseok. "What-"

"Yoongi." Somebody opened the door.

Yoongi sighed as he saw the face. "Hello, mom."

"Oh." Min Doji, Yoongi's mother, looked throughout the room. "You're just with Hoseok."

As soon as the door shut and her footsteps receded down the hallway, Hoseok moved a bit closer to Yoongi. "What was that about?"

"Yeah." The older nervously scratched the back of his neck. "My family is kind of... homophobic."

"Kind of?" Hoseok asked.

"Well, my mom and dad have just always hated anyone that's a part of the LGBTQ+ community. Of course, my older brother, Leeseok, was raised the same way, and even became a lawyer. Obviously, they had big dreams for their family, especially if one of their children becomes someone big and rich like that. So you can imagine how they felt when my sister, Soohyung, came out as bisexual."

Hoseok gasped, clearly a bit too into the story. Nonetheless, Yoongi continued.

"They immediately told her to pack her bags and leave. Thankfully, she had a plan. She had a job, even bought herself a house. So she left.

"Now I'm the last one, and since my parents were so disappointed with my sister, now they expect me to be the perfect son. But I- as you know- don't like girls. At least Soohyung is bi. But I'm just gay. There's no hope for me."

Yoongi released a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. The main reason for his depression, really, was that he could never be his true self. He was exactly what his parents wanted from him, not what he wanted. Tears tugged at his eyes, threatening to fall. He was worried about what Hoseok would say.

Thankfully, Hoseok didn't say anything. He simply captured Yoongi in a hug, masking the other's tears in his shoulder.

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