[XLIV] dangerous

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[XLIV] dangerous

"I need to tell you something."

Hoseok turned his head to look at Yoongi. He was lying on the latter's bed, while he was at his desk. "Go ahead." He didn't even think about how bad the news could be.

"I..." it seemed like he didn't know how to start. "Remember that time you picked me up and I had bandages?"


"Well... My parents were abusive towards me, I have depression, and I'm suicidal. I hate myself, and I think I should die. While some of those bandages you saw were from when my parents took things out on me, some of them were from when the day before I... well, you can guess what I did."

Hoseok gasped a bit. Here he was, finding out the truth about something that had happened months ago. Now it all made sense.

"After leaving that... place, I'm not even going to call it home... things got better. A bit. Of course a few months of living in a new place isn't going to take care of the years of trauma I have. Especially after Jaehwan."

That was the first time that Yoongi had said his name after the incident. Hoseok was hoping that he wouldn't have to hear it again, because he couldn't even begin to think about the amount of trauma that he probably had after all this time.

"He treated me like I was nothing, which obviously didn't help." The older was fighting back tears. "He acted only on his own interest. And I know I shouldn't even have begun to feel sorry once he was gone, but... I still didn't– and don't– think I was worth anything. I was scared I'd impose too much on your family. So this... it really only confirmed what I was thinking. I'll admit it. I still want to kill myself. I still think I should die. And, fuck, I still don't think I'm worthy of your love, shelter, or anything more than that. And I don't think I'll ever make it to "normal", or whatever it's supposed to be."

Hoseok had already moved off the bed, going over to give Yoongi a hug. He needed it. And all he was thinking about was just how close he and his boyfriend were going to be to said death.


next chapter is the masquerade, who tf is readyyy

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