[XL] preparations

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[XL] preparations

Hoseok thoroughly enjoyed getting to know Soonyoung and Jihoon. In fact, he found out that Soonyoung could change sizes, ranging from his normal size to an insect's. Jihoon could fly, and the two mixed their powers all the time, something that Yoongi and Hoseok weren't able to do yet (as their powers weren't fully developed).

Jihoon also seemed a bit off, though, and he only remembered that Jin referred to him as PROJECT WOOZI (whatever that meant). He was about to ask before a quick sign of the future shook him to the core.

"Let me start with my actual life."

It was Jihoon telling the story, and he'd definitely grown older. Not too old, however, which meant that it would be sometime "soon". "Soon" was very unclear; it could be in two weeks or two years. It was just "soon".

Hoseok tried to grip onto the vision longer, pushing his limit quite a bit. Though a few sentences were skipped in his struggle, he was able to grasp another sentence out of the white noise.

"...my parents and Jin made PROJECT WOOZI."

It got noisier again, but this time it wasn't just that. It was like Hoseok was starting to sink underwater, trying to stay on the surface to hear, but he couldn't. When he finally returned to reality, he realised he was on the ground surrounded by– who, Jin, Yoongi, Soonyoung, Soohyung, Jiwoo, Jihoon, and Yugyeom.

"Hoseok, you almost gave me a heart attack." Jiwoo knew what had happened to him immediately, having had the same thing happen to her with Jihoon. "You shouldn't push your powers like that."

"I think... I think I brushed Jihoon." Hoseok was extremely confused. "But my powers haven't gotten set off by contact in years."

He noted the way Jihoon looked oddly guilty, especially after he'd stated it was alright. Even after the younger went off in the corner to talk to Soonyoung, he felt suspicious.

"Yoongi, my love, my everything, my–"

The older rolled his eyes. "What did you do this time?"

"Okay, I actually didn't do anything!" Hoseok put his hands up in defence. "I just... can you read Jihoon's mind for a moment and tell me what he's thinking?" He knew Yoongi would question him, but–

He didn't.

Yoongi looked confused for a moment. He was silent for a while longer before turning to Hoseok. "I can't get through."

"Wha– you can get through to anyone!"

"Not Jihoon. It's just white noise."

White noise? Hoseok thought. That–

"Happened with you, too. My powers still work, just not on him. Sorry, Hobi."

Yoongi walked away, leaving Hoseok to stare directly into Jihoon's pink-haired head. Something was off about Lee Jihoon. And he would get to the bottom of it.


what's going on with jihoon? i'll let you drop theories if you wish

ten more chapters :,)

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