[L] the second date

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[L] the second date

Hoseok watched Yoongi slurp up his noodles, making eye contact with the googly eyes he had stuck on the black hat he was wearing for a moment. "You're enjoying... slurping those up."

"Because it's good food," the older deadpanned. "Eat up." He took in more noodles, choking for a moment.

"That's how you'll choke on m–"

"Finish that sentence and I will murder you with these chopsticks."

Hoseok finally fell silent at that, and they got through the meal slowly. It was their second date, in Itaewon, and they were getting dinner together.

Once they had finished up with dinner and the restaurant, they decided to take a stroll around the area before they left. On this walk, conversation sparked up again.

"So, date #2 rating?" Hoseok asked, hands in his pockets.

Yoongi hummed, tilting his head from side to side. "2 out of 5."


"I'm just kidding." The older poked him in the side. "5 out of 5."

Hoseok nodded, satisfied. "Alright, then. I'll take it." His mood seemed to lift, nearly bounding down the sidewalk. Yoongi had to speed up to keep up with him.



The older smiled at the younger. "Date #3 when?"


guess what? investigator (the sequel) is already out baes <3

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