[XLII] we aren't dead... yet

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[XLII] we aren't dead... yet

Hoseok could feel when Jackson's footing seemed to give out for some odd reason, leaving Jiwoo and Yoongi to pull him up. All seven of them tried pressing up against the lockers, but there seemed to be no need to. The guard walked past them without a second thought.

Once the guard was safely out of sight, Jackson let go, signaling the others to do so as well.

"Okay, invisibility," Soohyung commented. "You and BamBam have been working on that non-stop."

"We could've been caught there, but I'm glad we weren't." Jackson recollected himself, already moving down the hall again. "Let's go before we get caught."

Hoseok was still stunned. It made sense that invisibility could be activated off of both teleportation and cloning. It was the opposite of the latter, and the former was essentially invisibility but you have to place yourself elsewhere.

While he thought about this, Jackson had gotten them back into the odd hallway-passage thing. Jiwoo paused again, most likely to time travel.

"There was a student in here... just around an hour ago."

"What?" Yoongi was stumped.

Jiwoo started walking down the hall. "He stopped right here. L.YB. He seemed to be looking for something back there, but there was nothing."

"Incorrect." And there was Jihoon with the monotone. Hoseok hadn't overlooked his actions before. There was definitely something off about him. "There's a crack in the wall, up in the corner."

"I think..." Soonyoung moved up to where Jiwoo and Jihoon were. "...this calls for some power fusions."

Hoseok remembered what those were. Jin and Jiwoo always talked about them, but it never made sense to him. Maybe he'd understand now.

Soonyoung was lifted off the ground by some force (read: Jihoon) before shrinking down so tiny that none of the rest of them could see him, even with the dim light provided from a few lamps in the chambers. He moved up to the crack, sliding into the broken wall with ease.

"Holy shit!" He nearly grew to his normal size in the crack, but fell back. Lucky enough, Jihoon was able to see Soonyoung at his full size and stop him from injuring himself.

"There are a few bodies back there."

"So that's what the kid was trying to see." Soohyung nodded thoughtfully. "But why?"

"Why would a student get involved in this?" Hoseok was confused.

Yoongi stepped closer to him. "Look at us, dumbass."

Jackson hummed to himself for a moment. "At least we aren't dead... yet. We still have to leave this place."


we're slowly wrapping up the book

there are so many almost namesakes like jihoon and jiwoo or soonyoung and soohyung

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