{XXIX} a painful piece of proof

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{XXIX} a painful piece of proof

If there was anyone Yoongi would like their unsolved murder to kill, Kim Jaehwan would be at the top of the list.

It was clear that Jaehwan was trying to find an opening, but Yoongi wasn't about to let him. If Hoseok and his mother ever had to go out anywhere, he'd find an excuse to leave or join them.

Hoseok was also very helpful. On days that he didn't have to go out, he'd glue himself to Yoongi's side in a form of protection.

Minseop obviously noticed this strange behaviour. There was one day that she wanted to go for a "mother-son" date, but Jaehwan was in the house.

This was a scenario that Yoongi and Hoseok had planned out happening. If it did, Hoseok would leave something- his phone, watch, or maybe wallet- in Yoongi's room. He'd try to get it from the locked door, but obviously fail. This would make Minseop have to use her set of keys to each room. Caught red-handed.

Hoseok argued against his mother, but to no avail. He had left his wallet in Yoongi's room- inside a drawer in the bedside table to hide it from Jaehwan. Yoongi sat at the desk in his room, messages open to Hoseok's number.

The stage was set.

Yoongi gulped as he heard the soft footsteps from down the hall. He shot his boyfriend a quick text, "he's here" before switching to a different app, closing the messages.

Jaehwan walked in, the usual evil grin on his face. Even though Yoongi knew everything would be fine, he didn't quite feel it.

His phone was moved on top of the dresser this time, and all he could do was hold off the older male, wait, and pray for a miracle.

It wasn't too long before he heard soft footsteps, followed by the doorknob being shaken softly. Jaehwan was too caught up in trying to take off his shirt, as well as silencing the pleas to be left alone from Yoongi to notice.

Next thing he knew, there were keys jingling and a gasp by the door.

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