{VII} meetings

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{VII} meetings

The duo made their way to the back of the school, where 7 males were all waiting. One of them walked up to the two.

"What time is it?" He said, which were the code words.

"12:00," Yoongi said, then read the boy's mind. "Oh, sorry, it's 7:00."

"I'm Jackson," the male said, gesturing to the other people, one by one. "Over there are Jaybeom, BamBam, Jinyoung, Yugyeom, Youngjae, and Mark. You must be Yoongi and Hoseok."

Yoongi nodded, and walked over to the others, Hoseok trailing behind.

BamBam placed down his backpack, waving. "First order of business; this is a plan of some form. It's written in code. I've tried my best to crack most of it, and it's all in this notebook."

Yoongi accepted the notebook and placed it in his backpack.

"Good! Second," BamBam continued, not skipping a beat. "The principal is hiding something in his office. Jackson's the fencing team captain, so he has access to whatever equipment we need. Jinyoung is student council president, so he can access the principal's office. He also got 3 hall passes and 3 bathroom passes for us, so we can leave class. That means you two, me, Jinyoung, Jaebeom, and Jackson will be going. We have the rest written down. It's in the notebook."

"Thanks," Yoongi replies.

"Meet us in the library at 10:00. The librarian doesn't come until 10:10, so be quick."

"What about us missing class?" Hoseok wondered aloud.

"Jaebeom knows the principal's password, so he can delete any emails the principal gets so he doesn't see them. Plus, I've got a trick up my sleeve"

"Okay, thanks!" Yoongi and Hoseok walked off towards the parking lot.

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