[XXVI] a greeting room

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[XXVI] a greeting room

Hoseok and Yoongi drove down the road, letting the radio play softly. It was quite calm in the car, and the silence that stretched out wasn't awkward.

Yoongi's phone began to ring, and he glanced at the caller ID before sighing. He could put the phone down. He could let it ring. But something in him made him pick up.

"Min Yoongi!"

"Nice to talk to you too, Seojeuk."

Hoseok's eyes widened. He glanced at Yoongi who gave him a sort-of smile, the kind that says I'm fine, I got this.

"That is no way to talk to me!"

"I didn't want to in the first place."

It was silent on the other line for a while.

"Either way, what is this lame excuse of a 'note' you've left us? And who is this boyfriend of yours? You better turn around and come back right now, or there will be some serious consequences, young man."

"I'm not coming back."

Seojeuk scoffed on the other line. "And to think that Soohyung was going to be coming, just because of you. Imagine how bad she's going to feel when she finds out her brother isn't even coming to see her..."

At the mention of his sister's name, Yoongi sat up. "That was your surprise?"

"Yes, it was. Since you don't us to talk to you, we'll just tell her to bl-"

Yoongi hung up, unable to deal with what his father was saying any longer. His sister? His bisexual sister who his parents had disowned?

Hoseok noticed this change in mood from Yoongi. He placed a soothing hand on the older's thigh. "Everything okay?"

"Not really," Yoongi replied, burying his face in his hand. Min Soohyung, the first person he had trusted with his sexuality, the first person he felt like had supported him, was going to be heartbroken.

But probably not as heartbroken as Yoongi was.


"Eomma!" Hoseok called as he stepped into his home. "I'm back!"

Yoongi watched a woman who barely looked older than 40 (but this was Korea) walk out of the kitchen. A smile broke across her face as she saw her only son alongside Yoongi.

She and Hoseok have the same smile.

However, she walked past Hoseok and carefully grabbed Yoongi's arm, soothingly. "You must be the infamous Min Yoongi I've heard wayyy too much about."

Hoseok rolled his eyes from behind his mother. "Thank you for exposing everything."

Meanwhile, the older detective was unable to speak, even when the woman hugged him. Am I really staying here? This feels like a dream.

Minseop pulled away from Yoongi. "Oh, you still have your things, don't you? I'll get them for you- Hoseok, show him his room!"

"My room?" Yoongi asked as soon as Minseop went outside.

His boyfriend shrugged. "Of course! We have two guest bedrooms, but we only need one. So we'll give it to you."

There were a lot of things that Yoongi learned that day. Apparently, Hoseok's parents had gotten divorced a few months after he was born, meaning that he had no memories of his father. His mom had a boyfriend, however, named Kim Jaehwan.

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