[II] i'd rather not be here

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[II] i'd rather not be here

Hoseok had a weird sight in the morning. He could see the future, yet he didn't really care about it. He wasn't one of the people who dwelled on what happened in the past or what happened in the future. He lived in the present.

But while most of his flashes were just some party he'd be attending, this one was different. It was him sitting in front of the principal, with another kid. This boy had small eyes and soft features, making him look like a cat.

However, he brushed it off, as he didn't really care.

Now, Hoseok was looking at his Crime and Investigation test. He'd gotten a 69. His highest grade of the year.

"Failed again?" a voice behind him said. It was one of his friends, Jimin.

"Not quite this time. I actually attended some of the classes," Hoseok laughed.

Jimin giggled. "Remember, we're meeting Tae and Jungkook for lunch." Then he walked away.

Just seconds later, the intercom buzzed to life.

"Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok, please come to the office."

He barely even noticed that the secretary had called another name. Assuming it was about his grades, he spent a few minutes talking to other students. Finally, he headed off to the office.

When he got there, the secretary barely looked up. He had the room memorized: Down the hall, third door on the right. When he opened the door, he saw the principal in his regular seat.

What he wasn't expecting was to see the boy from his sight, sitting in another chair.

I'd rather not be here.

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