{XXXVII} pain in the ass jung hoseok

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{XXXVII} pain in the ass jung hoseok

"C'mon, Yoongi, you love me!"

"I'm starting to question why," The older replied, glaring playfully. "You're a pain in the ass."

Hoseok grumbled in annoyance, but suddenly got another idea. "Should that be my nickname? It doesn't really roll off the tongue well, though. Pain in the ass Jung Hoseok."


"Are you sure I'm a pain in the ass or do I cause pain in the ass?"

Soohyung and Jiwoo watched the couple bicker across the room, the case files between both couples long forgotten.

"Do you think we should stop them?" Jin said out of nowhere, having just come down the stairs of Room 222.

Jiwoo shook her head. "Leave them. They'll get over it eventually."

It took the two a good ten minutes to get over whatever they were arguing about. "Can we actually look at these case files? There's a murderer on the loose if you didn't notice."

"Trust me, I did."

The room was silent for a little bit longer until Yoongi said something. "Can you just, I don't know, see the future and figure out of the fuck this damn murderer is?"

"I don't know if we'd come face to face with them, but whatever." Hoseok glanced over at Jiwoo, Soohyung, and Jin, who quickly pretended to be doing other things. "Speaking of powers, can we just train a bit more? I swear I'm this close to materializing in the future."

"And I'm that close to mastering telekinesis," Yoongi added.

So they did. Since Soohyung didn't have any powers, she merely observed the other four. Yoongi was able to move a few small objects around ten minutes in, but needed Jin's help with moving things like chairs. Hoseok got his head to appear in the future (according to Jiwoo), which was good enough for the day.

Later on, Hoseok and Yoongi piled into the former's car. "You really are a pain sometimes, Hobi," the older chuckled.

The younger nodded, leaning over playfully. "And when I'm not being a menace to society?"

Yoongi smiled at his boyfriend, whose head was practically in his lap. He carded his fingers through Hoseok's hair, leaning down to steal a kiss from him.

"Then you make me the happiest person in the world."


sope arguing is wholesome to me idk why

i thought that since i've kind of decided i don't stan bts anymore that this book would just get harder to write but i was literally so eager to write this chapter even though i had absolutely no clue what was happening

also! for friends wondering when soonhoon and got7 are gonna show up... soonhoon are ALMOST HERE IM SO EXCITED BECAUSE JIHOON HAS SUCH A COOL BACKSTORY and got7 will probably show up with them as well

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