(01) he's hot

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(01) he's hot

Jimin was a certified simp.

Okay, kind of. He'd noticed that Hoseok had been hanging out with another student– his tutor, Min Yoon-something– and eating lunch with Taehyung, Jungkook, and him less and less.

Now, Jimin didn't give a damn about Yoon– oh, Yoongi– at all, but took interest in his best friend.

He was the single friend of the group. Taehyung and Jungkook had been dating for a while, Hoseok apparently had a new boyfriend (that Jimin would care about if he wasn't busy staring at Yoongi's friend from across the room), leaving Jimin to admire the male he adored from afar. Heck, he didn't even know his name.

Anyways, Jimin had done quite enough simping for the day. Or so he thought. He was currently walking out of the bathroom, going back to study hall. Students at the school were actually given the choice to go to study hall or to the library. Jimin never opted for the library, as he always had mountains of homework to catch up on.

The path back to study hall passed by the library, and Jimin glanced through the glass doors.

He didn't expect to see his distant half-crush sitting at the table.


welcome to the first of a few bonus chapters! these chapters will follow someone else's pov. you don't have to read them but they'll usually have some sope crumbs aside from the normal plot

also um i have an arc coming up that might be uncomfortable for some of u to read (its in the introduction if u remember) so if u feel uncomfortable reading it you can come back when we're on "{XXXI} i want to change my mind"

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