{XI} i want to smile

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{XI} i want to smile

"I would say that was a major success," Jinyoung stated as the group made their way out of the school that day.


"Shut up, Jaebeom."

Yoongi chuckled at the duo's antics. I want to smile. "I mean, we learned a little bit. And now we have taped evidence. It's a step closer to solving... whatever this is."

BamBam nodded. "Yoongi's right. A little evidence goes a long way."

Jackson smiled, laughing to himself. "You sound like the second grade teachers that go, remember a dot is a lot!"

"I would've done slapped you upside the head if you had a flowery blouse on."

Hoseok cleared his throat. "As much as I love reminiscing the lovely Mrs. Chu," his voice reeked of sarcasm, "we should probably hurry back to HYBE."

"I agree," Yoongi said. "The van should be picking us up soon."

As he said that, the aforementioned van pulled up next to them. The group of six clambered inside with whoops and cheers.


"10/10. Would recommend as friends."

Yoongi peered over his book. "I don't think that's a math formula."

Hoseok faked a yawn, rolling his eyes as he continued to doodle all over his math notebook. "10/10 is a fraction."

The older rolled his eyes back at the younger. "It's your math mark."

Hoseok sighed. "When the fuck am I even going to use a logarithm? If it's not on my phone keyboard, it's not important."

Yoongi smiled, just a bit. "Yeah... when you're not in school."

"You talk like an 80 year old man."

"That makes me years closer to death."

"Damn, who hurt you?"

Yoongi kept his mouth shut after that. Hoseok didn't need to know about his... problems.

Not yet.


u already knoooo we off hiatus

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