[XXII] project: court yoongi

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[XXII] project: court yoongi


The older boy walked faster, if that was even possible.


Hoseok sped up, desperate to keep pace with him. "Why aren't you talking to me?"

Yoongi spun on his heels and opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. It seemed like he himself didn't have a reason.

The younger crossed his arms, clearly a bit disappointed. "You don't even know why."

"I..." A light blush covered Yoongi's face. "I don't."

Hoseok took three long strides, making sure that he ended up directly in front of the older. "Well then, why don't we go somewhere? There's an ice cream shop that's usually open at this time."

Yoongi gulped. "For... for tutorin-"

"No, just to hang out."

Hoseok found it adorable that Yoongi was still obviously very flustered by the kiss they had shared yesterday. He personally wasn't quite swayed, as he held a tiny- no, major crush on the older. He could yell it from the rooftops if he really wanted.

Yoongi simply nodded, probably too embarrassed to speak.


Hoseok smiled at the older detective, who was probably the exact opposite of his usual self at this point. After getting ice cream, they decided to go for a walk by the Han river. It was decently warm outside, meaning that their frozen dessert would melt quickly. Hoseok finished his, but Yoongi was letting it melt inside the cone, a smile on both their faces.

Once Yoongi had finished his cone, he glanced at the time. "Shit, I have to get home. It's past six."

"I'll walk you," Hoseok offered, the other male nodding.

Their walk was mainly silent, until they ended up in front of Yoongi's apartment building. Before the older was able to walk away, the younger stopped him. In one swift motion, Hoseok leaned down and pecked Yoongi on the lips.

The latter was frozen in shock. His fingers flew to his lips, softly caressing them.

The younger smiled kindly. "Be my boyfriend?" He questioned, eyebrows raised.

Yoongi was in a trance. He nodded slowly, feeling Hoseok press another quick kiss to his lips before he began walking inside.

Hoseok watched the boy walk into the large building. What just happened?

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