{III} tutors and lies

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{III} tutors and lies

"I still can't believe this," Yoongi groaned, Hoseok trailing behind him in the hallway.

"It's not that bad, is it?" Hoseok called, speeding up to fit Yoongi's fast pace.

"It is that bad!" Yoongi spun on his heels, waving a sheet of paper in Hoseok's face. "Do you even try? The principal gave me this sheet with your grades on it!"

"That's classified information." Hoseok tried to grab the sheet from Yoongi, but Yoongi pulled it away.

"At this point, I don't even think Namjoon could help you."


"No one."

Yoongi sped up again, but Hoseok grabbed his wrist.

"Of all the things the principal told us, that's what you're worried about?"

Yoongi turned to face Hoseok. "Don't get me wrong; I'm just as excited as you are. But Hoseok, with these grades, you literally can't graduate."

Hoseok's eyes went wide. "What?"

Yoongi nodded. "In fact, if you kept this up for like, two weeks, you'd have to stay extra hours in order to make up for all the hours you missed. Now that I've enlightened you on this, can you let go of my hand?"

Hoseok let go.

"Maybe you should've used your precognition."

"My what?"

"Precognition." Yoongi tapped his forehead. "The ability to see into the future, dumbass."

Hoseok followed Yoongi down the hall. "How could you expect me to know that?"

"We literally learned it," Yoongi said, turning into the library. "You would know if you paid attention in class, let alone showed up."

"Wait, you're gonna start tutoring me now?" Hoseok asked as Yoongi sat down at one of the tables.

"Better sooner than later."

"But the principal said we could start tomorrow."

"The principal said a lot of things."

He did. Along with exposing Yoongi's mind reading abilities and Hoseok's ability to see the future, the principal also asked them to join an agency.

This whole time, underneath the school, was a secret company only the best of the best could get to. It was the FBI, school edition.

Yoongi and Hoseok were ecstatic, but they weren't agents yet. For now, they were trainees.

Yoongi blinked at Hoseok. "You know I can read your mind, right?"

"Um, yeah."

Yoongi cleared his throat. "'I don't really want to study right now', end quote."

"I-" Hoseok blinked.

"It's fine. You can go. Just don't forget, after school-"

"Room 222, I got it."

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