[XXVIII] kim jaehwan, you're on thin fucking ice

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[XXVIII] kim jaehwan, you're on thin fucking ice

The moment that Jaehwan left, Hoseok found Yoongi slipping into his room. Okay, not the moment after; the older had actually spent about an hour in the shower. Now, he was wrapped up in a warm sweater, making his way to Hoseok's bed with tears in his eyes.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Hoseok embraced Yoongi in a tight hug.

Yoongi sniffled. "I don't deserve to be called that."

A confused look settled on Hoseok's face, but not for long. With Jiwoo, he'd been working on seeing both the past and future. Now, a flash of Yoongi's past was in his mind. It was too brief to take in too many things, but all the younger was able to see was Jaehwan's face, which held an evil smirk. "What happened?"

Yoongi released himself from the hug, wiping his tears. "I-I was just here at home, and Jaehwan walked in... he... he–"

The older detective had been telling his boyfriend about how weird Jaehwan acted towards him, so Hoseok was practically able to predict his next words, no precognition required. "Yoongi, no, shhh..."

"I feel so fucking dirty!" Yoongi wailed, a little loud this time. "I was scrubbing at my skin so hard, it hurt... but it didn't help with anything!"

Hoseok patted the older on the back in another hug. "I'm glad you told me now rather than later. I'll keep you safe from him, I promise."

But, on the inside, one thought danced through his head.

Kim Jaehwan, you're on thin fucking ice.

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