{XLIX} graduation

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{XLIX} graduation

Yoongi was very, very thankful that he and Hoseok's last names were nowhere near each other.

Don't mix things up here– he did want to see his boyfriend. But the younger was very– and I mean very– dedicated to taking Yoongi on the greatest second-date ever. You know, because they hadn't gotten the chance.

He really wanted to listen to Bang PD, but his mind still ended up wandering. What was going to happen to him and Hoseok after this?

Luckily (and surprisingly) the answer was there for him. Once the ceremony had concluded, Jin located Yoongi. Hoseok was behind him, awaiting the news that the senior detective seemingly had to deliver.

"Well, good news for you two!" Jin kept his voice low, but he seemed to be trying to hold back his excitement. "Both of you have been offered scholarships because of your work. We want you to continue doing university while also working for us, if possible. So?" His eyebrows raised, waiting for an answer.

Hoseok gave Yoongi a look. The latter could tell that this was something he wanted to do, despite how much of a burden it would be. Hell, finals were a struggle, but wouldn't this be worth it?

"...Okay," Yoongi said slowly, eyes fixed on Jin.

The older smiled. "Great. Okay. Congrats on graduation!" He stepped in for a hug, which the younger detective slowly accepted.

Hoseok cleared his throat. "Um, okay, that's nice... Can I kiss my boyfriend now?"

"Alright, alright."

Well, Hoseok definitely lived up to his word. He swooped in towards Yoongi, practically pulling him in for a hug as he pressed their lips together.

The older felt as though he was being swept off his feet. It was a magical moment, or felt like one at least, where he could forget everything that had happened in the year and everything that was to come.

At some point during the embrace, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook had found the duo. "Calm down, you two," The oldest said, covering his boyfriend's eyes. "Think of the children."

The group of six exchanged quick congratulations and hugs before agreeing to meet up later. Yoongi and Hoseok were now on the hunt for Soonyoung and Jihoon, who they had located quite easily.

"Are you going to continue studies?" Jihoon asked, eyes wide as he waited for an answer.

Yoongi shrugged. "It'd be a lot to juggle, but at least we'd know what we're doing beforehand. What about you guys?"

"I am, Jihoon isn't." Soonyoung started. "Got7 aren't here, but they're already technically detectives, so they're going on ahead with that route. They are more attack than arrest, after all."

Yoongi cocked his head to the side,eyes now fixated on Jihoon. "You're not continuing to study?"

"Jin made sure I didn't need to." With that, the two glided away, leaving Yoongi and Hoseok to locate their next group of people (Soohyung, Jiwoo, and Minseop). All three of them immediately attacked the couple, Soohyung making sure to pay special attention to her brother. Minseop seemed a little stiff around Yoongi, but loosened up once she was sure that the detective was no longer mad at her.

That felt like a lifetime ago, anyways. A lifetime that, Yoongi had to admit, was made better because he had Jung Hoseok with him (almost) every step of the way.

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