{XLIII} final mission?

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{XLIII} final mission?

It was during one of their study sessions that Yoongi realized it. "Wait, Hobi, I just realized something."

Hoseok looked up from his math books. "What?"

"Was that our final mission? Because we haven't been called down for training for a few days, and I know finals are approaching and all that, but shouldn't we be working harder?"

The younger hummed. "I guess you're right." And he turned back to his books.

Yoongi was confused that he didn't seem as shocked. "And? Last mission means that we're at the end. Jin or Soohyung or Jiwoo must have found something. At the masquerade, someone's going to get arrested."

"Okay, that's great!" His boyfriend was still surprisingly positive. "If we arrest them, then we won't have anything to worry about and we can enjoy grad."

The older wasn't swayed. His eyes fell towards his tattoo, which he traced with his other hand. "Yeah, but we'll be dealing with a murderer. What if something goes wrong? I know we've been training for this but–"

Hoseok cupped his face with his hands. "Babe, we'll be okay. We're trained for this." He kissed him for a moment. "And I won't let anyone hurt you."

Yoongi smiled, pressing another kiss to his boyfriend's lips. "Maybe it'll be fine."

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