{XXVII} i hate this

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{XXVII} i hate this
*SA (implied s/a)*

Not long into Yoongi's long-term stay at Hoseok's home, he was able to meet Minseop's boyfriend, Kim Jaehwan. The couple seemed to get along well, and Yoongi didn't mind having him over. He was nice, at least, at first.

It was subtle. Maybe the group would be in the living room together watching something and Jaehwan's hand would be on Yoongi's thigh. But the detective didn't see anything wrong with it. As far as he knew, it was by accident.

Then Jaehwan started getting a little too hands-on. Sometimes, his arm would be wrapped around Yoongi's waist, and the latter would have to excuse himself or find a way to get Hoseok to hold onto him. Either way, it was a little sketchy.

It got even worse when he began barging into Yoongi's room. Sometimes Hoseok would be there with him, sometimes it was just the student. He always had to remember to lock his door when Jaehwan was over.

One day, everything changed.

Minseop and Hoseok were out grabbing groceries, and Jaehwan had arrived earlier. Having not known that he would be there, Yoongi's door was unlocked. Jaehwan creeped inside, shutting and locking the door behind him.

"What are you doing?" Yoongi's eyes darted around the room. He knew something was off, but he was trapped. His grasp on the phone in his hands tightened, but before he could record anything (just in case), Jaehwan had snatched his phone and placed it on the desk across the room.

"C'mon, Yoongi, there's nothing to be afraid of." The older male spread his arms out wide like he was going for a hug, making Yoongi shrink back onto his bed even more.

"Seriously, what the fuck are you doing?" Jaehwan only walked closer, climbing onto the bed. "Jaehwan, what are–"

"Shhh." The latter pressed his finger to the younger's lips, a wicked grin spreading across his face. "Why don't we have a little fun, now that your pesky boyfriend is M.I.A."

"Wait– stop! What are you doing? Get the fuck off me! Leave me alone! Stop... please..."

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