{XLI} not like we're about to die

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{XLI} not like we're about to die

Yoongi sighed. "You guys get more insane as the days go by. Why would we risk our lives and sneak back into JYPE high?"

"Answers," Jackson deadpanned. "I can get us in there. Besides, we have Jihoon, Soohyung,  and Soonyoung now."

"Enlighten me on why I'd need to fly."

Jaebeom whacked him on the back of the head, receiving an ow in response. "Be nice, alright? If we go at night, we can get Jiwoo in there and possibly retrace the steps of people in the office."

Yoongi was still unswayed. "Like I said, risking our lives."

"Come on, Yoongi." This time, Jihoon was the one trying to convince him. "Things will be a lot easier."

"Okay, mini-me."

It was true that anytime Jihoon and Yoongi were in the same room, someone would point out how similar they looked. That wasn't the point of the conversation this time, however.


Jackson opened the door to the school quietly from the inside, gesturing for the others to follow him. This group consisted of him, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jihoon, Soohyung, Soonyoung, and Jiwoo. "Hurry up. JYP has decided to hire security guards after the murders began."

"And you didn't tell us this before?" Soonyoung whisper-yelled.

The former shrugged. "Wasn't important. Get in here already!"

The group of seven started creeping through the hallways, nearly hitting the lockers whenever they saw a flashlight darting around in the dark.

Eventually making it to the library, Hoseok sung down onto one of the couches. "Jackson, can't you just teleport to the office?"

"You guys have to get there too."

Jiwoo nodded in agreement before closing her eyes for a moment. When she came back to the group, she had more information. "A security guard came through here about five minutes ago before turning down that hall towards the office. I'm guessing, based on the route, they're going to circle back around this way in a couple minutes."

"No time to waste!" Soohyung pulled Hoseok off the couch, much to the younger's dismay. "C'mon, future brother-in-law."

"Don't call me that."

"Then move."

The group started back down the hall, but Jihoon paused. Though it was dark, something seemed to fog over his eyes. "A security guard is approaching," he said in a monotone voice.

Yoongi didn't have time to analyze his odd behaviour. They were far from the office and it would certainly take a minute or two for Jackson to remember what the office looked like. "What do we do?"

Jackson grabbed onto the people nearest to him (Yoongi and Jiwoo) and started whisper-shouting. "Hold me up, you two. Everyone grab onto the people next to you!"

Everyone in the group followed suit without hesitation, holding their breaths once the guard turned the corner.

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