[X] an interesting investigation

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[X] an interesting investigation
*AB (abuse or implied abuse)*

When Hoseok picked up Yoongi the next day, he was extremely concerned. He had visible bags under his eyes, and his cheeks were a little bit puffy. He also wasn't listening to music, like he normally was.

The biggest scare was probably that, even though he was wearing a hoodie, Hoseok could see bandages on his wrist. There was also a shallow cut running from his eyebrow to his lip.

Hoseok wondered why he even got up today.

Yoongi gave Hoseok a tired look and he refrained from asking.

He obviously didn't try hard enough, because he ended up questioning Yoongi anyway.

"Are you... okay?"

"I'm fine," Yoongi replied quickly, not even glancing at Hoseok.

That shut him up.

The drive to school was quiet, dead. Hoseok kept glancing at Yoongi, who was staring out the window.

They reached JYPE high, still not speaking. When they reached the school, Hoseok got out his first aid kit.

"W-what are you doing?" Yoongi asked, leaning back in the car seat.

Hoseok took some rubbing alcohol and bandages from the first aid kit. "You're hurt."

Yoongi blushed, pale face turning pink. "I-I'm fine."


"Hey BamBam," Hoseok ran up to the male, who was waiting outside the library.

BamBam smiled back and snapped his fingers. Instantly, a clone of Hoseok appeared.


"Pretty cool, right?" BamBam cloned himself and the two watched as the clones made their way back down the hallway.

"Jinyoung, Jaebeom, and Jackson are in the library," said BamBam, gesturing to the library. "Where's Yoongi?"

As if on cue, Yoongi walked up to the duo. His head was still wrapped.

"Woah, what happened?" BamBam asked.

"Nothing," Yoongi replied quickly.

Jackson emerged from the library. "Well then, let's get this show on the road, shall we?"


"I'm pretty sure this is totally not good for my record."

"Shut up, Jaebeom!"

"Fuck you, Jackson!"

The group of six stood outside the principal's office.

"Wait, how the fuck are we supposed to know if he's in there or not?" Yoongi questioned.

"Let me check." Jackson teleported away from the group, and a split second later, the soft click of the door unlocking was heard.

"I'm guessing he's not in there, then," Jinyoung stated.

BamBam rolled his eyes. "No shit, Sherlock."

The others walked into the room, investigating. Hoseok viewed a trophy that sat nicely on the desk next to a mug. There wasn't anything special about it.

"What the-" Hoseok whipped around to see BamBam, who just unearthed a door with no handle, just a keyhole.

"Jackson, you should teleport inside," Hoseok stated.

Jackson shook his head. "I can't. I can only teleport to a place where I know what it looks like. And I don't know what it looks like in there."

"Well, we're screwed," Yoongi said with a sigh.

Jaebeom sighed. "Jinyoung, shouldn't you have the key to everything?"

"What, you want me to pull a key out from up my ass?"

"Pretty much," BamBam commented.

"Fuck you. Anyways, there should probably be a key somewhere-"

Jinyoung's thoughts were cut off by footsteps from down the hall.

"Shit," Jackson said, looking around the office. His eyes landed on the trophy that Hoseok had been observing before. He picked it up, turned it over, and picked at the bottom.

"What are you doing?" Hoseok asked.

Jackson continued picking at the bottom. "This has a secret compartment in it. Maybe there's a key or-"

"Do we even have time?" Jaebeom exclaimed.

"Apparently, we do," Jackson said, holding up a key.

The footsteps, which had previously stopped, started up again.

"Give that to me!" Jackson threw the key to BamBam, who effortlessly caught it and unlocked the door.

Yoongi stepped closer. "What's in there?"

"No time to check!" Jinyoung, who was the farthest from the door, quickly ushered everyone in, the door swinging shut quickly behind them, locking.

Immediately, they heard voices. Hoseok took his recording device out of his pocket, starting to record.

"What happened in here?" A male voice.

"Whatever, I just want my money." Another voice, this one female.

"I would give it to you, but I'm pretty sure someone stole my key."

"Like you don't have a spare."

Hoseok's eyes widened. "We have to hide," he whispered.

The group finally turned around to look at the rest of the space. It was a long skinny hallway, with cells on each wall.

"What is going on here?" Jaebeom mused.

Yoongi stepped forward. "I don't wanna find out."

The boys silently shuffled down the hallway, looking at each cage thoroughly. Hoseok noticed Yoongi taking pictures. Each cell usually had some money, though some held statues. By each one was a name, presumably the person who owns that money.

"BamBam, do you still have the key?" Yoongi asked out of the blue.

"Yeah, here."

Yoongi walked over to one of the cages, opening it with the key. "We should probably hide in one of these. We can even follow them if they go farther, because I noticed that all the cages are connected at the back."

Jackson, Jaebeom, Hoseok, and BamBam all stepped into the cage, but Jinyoung paused.

"The name. It's L.Y.B. Why do I recognise that?"

Jinyoung didn't have time to think about it more, as the door down the hall opened and a ray of light almost hit him. He had to quickly dart into the cage.

The group quietly followed the principal and the unknown woman down the hall, to a cage on the other side of the hallway.

"What's going on?" BamBam whispered to Jackson, who just told him to shut up.

"Here it is," the principal opened the cage, pulling out a large bag of money.

The woman snatched the bag up. "I hope all 10,000 dollars are in here, or I might as well stop giving you information."

The principal grinned smugly. "Of course. Victims are our main source of income, aren't they?"

"You've got this on tape, right?" Yoongi whispered to Hoseok, who nodded.

The two adults continued down the hallway, but Jaebeom said to stop.

"We could easily get locked in," he reasoned. "It's better to go now."


long awaited detective chapter

i think im gonna keep this on hiatus until i finish voice, so thats that

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