(02) i hate you all

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(02) i hate you all

Soohyung knocked on the door to what was once her home, finding herself face to face with her dad. "Oh, Soohyung. You're here."

"Of course I am." She noticed how skeptical he sounded. Almost shocked. Nevertheless, Soohyung walked into the apartment, seeing her mother on the couch. "I couldn't make it to the dinner you wanted me to get to, so I just popped in to visit. Where's–"

"You're still dating that man, aren't you?"

No, she wanted to say. She had broken up with that lame excuse of a boyfriend she had a couple weeks ago. He was a jerk. "Yes. Where's Yoongi?"

Her father tensed. "Don't."

"Why–" She cut herself off as Leeseok walked out of a barren room. "Geez, what happened over there? Also, hey Leeseok. Didn't know you were also here."

Leeseok frowned. "Nothing happened back here."

"Great, where's my younger brother?"

Seojeuk rose an arm, but Doji quickly stood up and stopped him from swinging at Soohyung. "Min Seojeuk! She has no idea. Let the girl live."

The man grunted and retreated down the hall.

"Woah." Soohyung's eyes widened. "What happened to him?"

Doji and Leeseok sighed in unison, something the two of them did often. "He's not exactly... happy with Yoongi at the moment," Doji said.

Leeseok couldn't deflect the conversation. The lawyer in him wouldn't hide the truth. "Yoongi came out as gay and moved out and now dad hates him."

"Ah." An anger Soohyung didn't know she had came out. "Kind of like when I came out as bi, huh?"

"Soohyung–" Doji didn't get to finish before she was interrupted.

"You know what? I broke up with my boyfriend weeks ago. He didn't even love me. I'm dating a lovely woman, and she is a whole lot nicer than you people! Are you even people anymore, or are you just homophobes? I hate every single one of you. I hate you all!"

She left, the door slamming behind her.

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