[XII] are we in trouble

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[XII] are we in trouble

The next time Hoseok and Yoongi were called to the office was more secretive. When they entered their classrooms, the teachers simply told them that they were to go to the principal's office at the bell.

Well, they each did, and let's just say that Bang Si-Hyuk.

"Due to the success of your mission," he said as soon as the door closed.

The two students' eyes widened as they saw what the man held.

Yoongi's mouth gaped. "Pardon my language, but no fucking way."

The principal chuckled. "Yes way. Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok, I invite you to be official agents for HYBE."

Hoseok immediately grabbed at his new shiny ID, which made him feel super...

"...adult-like?" Yoongi giggled softly.

If he wasn't annoyed, the younger would've thought the laugh was music to his ears. "I knew that was going to happen."

"Oh, what, did you peek into the future? Lame."

Hoseok tsked. "Be glad you're both my key to a passing grade and my hyung, or let me tell you right now we were aBOUT TO START SCRAPPING-"

Principal Bang cleared his throat. "As much as I enjoy hearing your approval, there's a few ground rules I expect you to follow now that you're a part of my cooperation.

"Firstly. Keep your IDs hidden. Guard them with your life. All it takes is for them to slip into the wrong hands and not only does everyone know that there's an, as i've heard it be called, 'school FBI' here, and two, who knows who could be working with the enemy. Got7- as they call themselves- are our link into JYP, so there could be a mole here.

"Secondly, training. As I've mentioned before, you will have to balance that with tutoring. The main reason I'm re-mentioning this is because of the third thing.

"You two will be going on a mission-" The man stopped, holding a finger up as though he knew they would get excited. "-sometime next week. The thing is, there's been frequent murders recently, and we know that the principal of JYP has something to do with it. Based on our predictions, there is going to be one next week. There's no real specific people who're killed- that is, based off the information we have- so there's no way to prevent. I'll send you two down to see if there's anything new at the scene. We need fresh eyes."

"And we're your 'eyes'?" Yoongi asked skeptically with an eyebrow raise.

Principal Bang sighed. "Pretty much. We're at a real low in this case. It's a lot to bear, and I don't need to dump that load on you two... yet."

Hoseok grew excited. "So you're saying that one day we may take over the case?"

"Yeah, I'd say. It's a messy thing to deal with, though. A knotted rope, per se."

"Knotted rope?"

The youngest in the trio gave the older student a little shove. "Can you not question everything that comes out of Principal Bang's mouth?"

The principal chuckled. "You're eager. And questioning is good. It's what got us here in the first place."

Yoongi crossed his arms in silence.

"Ah, that doesn't answer your question. You see, what I mean by that 'knotted rope' is that there are many tight spots or twists in this case. All we have to do is untwist them."

Hoseok nodded, opening his mouth to speak, but the principal beat him to it.

"Shoo along, you two. Don't need you missing any more of your classes. Room 222."

He handed the two their HYBE IDs before waving a hand at them, signalling they should leave.

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