[XXXVI] power bottom

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[XXXVI] power bottom

Hoseok enjoyed Soohyung's company. He really did. But he already knew in the back of his mind that she was judging him as a boyfriend to her precious younger brother.

Kind of.

This was why the cuddling position that he was currently in with his boyfriend was a little iffy, Soohyung on the other couch. They had come out of Yoongi's room ten minutes ago, and Hoseok was panicking. What had he told her? Did she know about Jaehwan?

"Calm down, dumbass. I didn't say anything."

Hoseok was snapped out of his trance, looking at the older boy in his lap. Of course, he was reading his mind.

Instead of replying to being called out, the younger patted him on the head. You have too much power. Power bottom much?

Yoongi turned red at that, turning his head fully to stare Hoseok down. "You take that back," he whispered.

The latter booped him on the nose. "No. Unless she can read minds."

"She can't, but still take it back."

"Then no."

"Fuck you, Jung Hoseok."

"You will."

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