(03) they're adorable

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(03) they're adorable

Talking to Yoongi really helped Soohyung realize why he left home. Once his sister had left, Yoongi was told to never follow in her footsteps. She was painted a villain.

Well, she figured that out and decided that he and Hoseok were adorable.

She answered Yoongi's question about how she knew he was at Hoseok's place. This only sparked another.

"So... who's your girlfriend? When do I get to meet her?"

Soohyung chuckled. "You've already met her."

"How is that..." her brother trailed off, clearly confused.

"It's Jiwoo."

"Oh." Yoongi's eyes widened. "Oh."

"It's also probably about time you knew this." Soohyung fished into her purse, pulling something out and laying it on the bed.


"You work for HYBE?"

She nodded, flipping her hair over her shoulder. "C'mon, I'm your cool older sister. Your cool older sister who's here to also help you with your case."

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