{XLV} dance with death

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{XLV} dance with death

Hoseok linked his arm around Yoongi's, smiling. "Well, I guess this is our second date now, huh?"

"First." The older deadpanned. "The ice cream one doesn't count in my mind."

"Yoongi, just take the date," Soohyung said, linking arms with Jiwoo. "And what number date would this be for us?"

Jihoon, who was adjusting his mask, looked over at them. "You guys are dating?"

"It makes a little sense." Soonyoung dusted off the pants on his suit.

The group continued preparing in the basement of Room 222 until Jin walked in. "The masquerade is in full swing. Half of Got7 are already out there, and they've apparently found a few of their old classmates and teachers. Jackson even said he saw the principal, but it's too early to do anything yet. The other half are over at JYPE snooping around the principal's office."

Jihoon nodded, seeing to take in all the information differently than the rest of them. Yoongi looked away from him, but something bubbled in his mind. "Fuck, I forgot to give Namjoon an excuse."

"Don't worry." Hoseok put on his mask, adjusting it as he looked through the eye holes into a mirror. "I already told them that we weren't going."

"Thank god."

Jiwoo sighed, pulling at the end of her frilly dress. "Well then, let's get going. Tonight's the night."


Yoongi managed to change his demeanour the moment he stepped out of Room 222. He didn't want anyone to recognize him from the way he moved, or anything else. He'd even newly dyed his hair, it now being a bright white in comparison to its former black. He needed to go unrecognized, though he was more concerned about Hoseok. He was naturally bubbly, and everyone noticed him. What if he got sidetracked?

BamBam suddenly appeared. "We've spotted six JYPE guys in here already, one of them being the principal himself. You guys need to locate all of them while we collect all the documents from JYPE. We should've gotten Jackson with us to teleport, but we didn't."

"So you're at JYPE?" Soonyoung asked.

"Yup." With that, the clone disappeared into thin air, answering any questions that the others had.

Soohyung was already moving on. "There's ten of us here, including Jackson, Jaebeom, and Youngjae. BamBam, Yugyeom, Mark, and Jinyoung are still at JYPE, but we've established that. We'll need Got7's help to identify people, so we should find them first. I'm thinking that Yoongi and Hoseok find Jackson, Jihoon and Soonyoung find Jaebeom, and we find Youngjae. From there, two per person"

"Right." With that, Jin walked into the gym, leaving the others to follow him. The dance was in full swing, and Yoongi was able to spot Namjoon and Jimin in one corner, Jungkook and Taehyung somewhere else entirely.

He adjusted his mask one more time, grabbing Hoseok and leading him into the crowd. "Let's go and find Jackson."

The younger didn't protest. The duo were able to locate him pretty quickly, and he gave a quick rundown.

"I'm pretty sure we can take down the principal. Jaebeom and Youngjae are gonna get the others, and then we can probably find L.YB."

"Okay, great." Hoseok slapped his pockets, swaying back and forth. "So... where is he?"

Jackson started moving. "I saw him by the punch a while ago. Hopefully it hasn't spread that we're looking for him."

The trio started moving towards the punch area, finding the area empty. Yoongi's eyes caught a figure in a green mask moving away and out into the hallway. "Is that him?"

"That is." Jackson started moving again, Hoseok and Yoongi following after him. Their eyes were all locked on JYP. There was no doubt about it– no highschooler looked like that.

It was at this moment when Yoongi remembered the gun he had in his pocket, but he wasn't going to use it. That was only for drastic measures.

JYP seemed to not notice them, making his way to a small corner, and pulling out his phone. Jackson made the three of them invisible while they listened, pulling out his phone to record.

"Yes, my goodness." The principal spoke in a hushed tone, making it hard to hear him. He even looked back to make sure that there wasn't anyone there. "What is taking you so long? I'm not going to murder someone when you haven't even made a single deposit. I've done this for you in the past, but I need the money stat."

There it was. Yoongi turned to look at Hoseok, who was in the middle of a vision. He focused on reading the younger's mind, trying to figure out what he had seen.

JYP was going to escape if they didn't turn visible the moment the phone call ended. It made sense– he could flee without a trace.

Yoongi whispered this to Jackson, trying to make sure that the JYPE principal didn't notice them. He didn't, thankfully, taking off his mask and moving to leave.

Before he could, Jackson finally turned the trio visible. JYP seemed to stop in his tracks, looking at the three agents like they were children. Granted, they were.

"Oh, aren't you guys supposed to be at the dance?" He tried to stay neutral, but his face fell once he saw Yoongi pulling out his gun.

Then he started running towards the stairwell.

"He's going to the roof!" Hoseok called, immediately chasing after the male. Jackson and Yoongi followed quickly after, their footsteps hitting against the floor loudly as they ascended the stairs.

Once on the roof, JYP seemed to realize that he didn't have anywhere to run. He watched as Yoongi approached him, fate sealed.

"Park Jin Young, you are under arrest for the suspected murder of twelve individuals." He really didn't feel like stating the rest, so he just held the gun while Jackson made sure to handcuff him.

"Are you kidding?" He didn't seem swayed. "Do you even have any proof?"

"Recordings, paperwork." They could hear police sirens as Jackson spoke. "Stuff the police have their hands on."

"What are highschoolers even doing being secret agents?"

"Be glad I have no reason to shoot you right now," Yoongi said in response, putting away his gun. He walked towards Hoseok, a small grin on his face. "So?" He whispered.

"So what?"

"You're not going to ask me what it is with my damn gun?"

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