[XXIV] task: making a plan

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[XXIV] task: making a plan

It was official: Jung Hoseok hated seeing Min Yoongi cry.

Okay, he hated seeing people cry in general. If there was a problem he was able to fix, he would go ahead with it. Despite not being asked, he would take matters into his own hands. And, thankfully, there was something that Hoseok could do for his beloved boyfriend.

It was a multiple step plan, however, that could be cut off at any moment. Maybe it was too early in their relationship for such a big step, but Hoseok could manage.

The first thing was to beg his mother for a large favour.

"Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease?" Hoseok was practically down on his knees as he looked at his mother, Jung Minseop.

The woman sighed. "I mean, I've never even met the boy. Are you sure that he's alright?"

"Yes, he is. He's wonderful. Just- take my word for it, please. Trust me." The male's eyes brightened at the fact that his mother was considering it. Seeing that she still wasn't quite swayed, he continued. "He wouldn't even bother you. He can take care of himself- he's older than me, and I'm eighteen."

Minseop thought for a moment before shrugging. "You must be head over heels for him if you really want to do this."

"Is that a yes?"


Hoseok jumped up, pressing a kiss onto his mother's cheek. "Oh, I love you! Thank you times a million!"


Now that step one was finished, step two was to ask Yoongi. Thankfully, they had another scheduled "tutoring session" coming up, meaning the perfect time to pop the question.

"What?" The boy's eyes nearly bulged out of his head. "You're willing to do that? Just for me?"

Hoseok smiled, pulling his boyfriend closer. "Of course I am. I love you."

Yoongi turned red at the three words. "But- but this is past love! This is like- are you sure you want to do this? Because if I'm just a burden and I have to leave, there's nowhere for me to go- I'll just stay with my parents-"

"I already asked my mom, and she said yes. So you have nothing to worry about."

"And how much begging did that take?"

The younger male blushed a bit at that. "Not the point. If you want, you don't have to give your parents an explanation. You can just leave."

"And make them mad?" Yoongi shuddered at the thought. "I don't think so. They already have one "failure". So what's the point?"

Hoseok sighed. "Who cares if you make them mad? You'd be gone, and they wouldn't be able to find you. That's really their fault for being such shitty people."

The older paused for a moment. He took one minute, five minutes, ten minutes, twenty, a whole half an hour to come to a decision. When he turned to Hoseok with a solemn face, the younger was expecting the worst.

"Alright then. How do we do this?"

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