Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: The Narrator

" He stared at his hands splotched with prominent color. It was dyed in red. He doesn't want it. Didn't desire it at this age of his life... Yet, he can feel himself becoming sluggish and lazier..."

Many pairs of bright eyes stared with fascination. They listened intensely at the tale that was being spun for them.

"..Eyes closing slowly, the man's entire memories flash like a Kaleidoscope. The overworked man sleeps, yet he desires to be awake for more time- Forever...It wasn't still time. He doesn't want to rest. Work.. he still needs to work! The Man feels restless. He doesn't want to sleep! What was impossible was what the man wanted. Crying hysterically at the last moment. His soul is in agony, the man wasn't calm and prepared when he welcomed the eternity... The forever of nothingness."

A group of children sat on a grassy field. Little kids of opposing genders clustered together as they listened to the narration of a story under the shed of a big tree.

" And then? "

A ten-year-old boy asked in a demanding tone. Wearing clothes that look cheap and simple. Befitting for a child of a worker class.

The narrator smiled. His golden eyes were calm and soft as he gaze at the children and muttered simple words.

" The end. "

A forlorn smile was revealed momentarily on his face. Then, it was replaced with amusement. He bears witness to the children's following reaction.

"Huh? "

The children all muttered together. They look at the narrator with furrows on their eyebrows. Confusion was present among them.

"There is no continuation. " He said those words cheerfully despite the story that he told ending at an anticlimactic finish line. "The end is the end. The story is finis- "

Before the narrator can finish his words and look at them with more amusement on his face, all of the children stood up from the grassy grounds and interrupt him.

" No! "

Cried all of them. Their voice filled with distress.

" You can't end it like that! "

A little girl protested.

" The ending is boring! "

A self-proclaimed grown-up boy complained.

One by one the children made their voices known to the story weaver. With each child looking unsatisfied, the narrator tried to alleviate the children's dissatisfaction.

" Everyone, calm down. It was- "

One of the oldest children tugged at the collar of his clothes. It was unexpected. The Narrator is surprised that he was being manhandled. Despite being small and little, the child was strong and was enough to carry his weight. He can feel the collar of his clothes on his neck so intimately.

Two children followed the example. Unlike the collar, they are tugging the hem of his clothes. The narrator realizes, he was in danger of being strangled by these mutinous children. And having his clothes ripped by them.

With just a story, he- the storyteller has invoked the feelings of great frustration from the curious mind of the children.

Should the Narrator feel satisfaction and be proud of himself for causing the children to be reduced in this state?

" Brother, I think that you are hurting the Narrator! Let go of him! "

While the Narrator was starting to contemplate the registration of pain on his neck and the risk of dying from a pre-pubescent boy, the said boy's sister berated her older sibling. The boy realizes it. He quickly let go of the collar of the Narrator. The instant that his collar was let go and him not slightly being upon the ground- He, the narrator unconsciously touched his neck.

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